
WBSC Exam Pattern
WBCS Exam Pattern for Prelims Exam
The WBCS prelims exam serves screening purposes only and the marks secured in the WBCS prelims exam are not considered for the final WBCS result. The WBCS prelims exam has only one objective type of question paper. The paper's name is General Studies and it is a mixture of all the topics given in the WBCS syllabus. It consists of 200 questions with 200 marks. The time allotted to solve the WBCS prelims question paper is two and a half hours. The candidates who qualify in the prelims exam are called for the WBCS main exam. The prelims exam will have 8 sections with different subjects each consisting of 25 marks.
WBCS Exam Pattern for Main Exam
The WBCS main exam is a critical part of the WBCS exam process as the marks secured in the main exam are counted for the final WBCS result. There are six compulsory question papers and two papers on one optional subject. The total number of papers in the WBCS exam is Eight. All the compulsory papers in the WBCS main exam are objective-type papers. The optional subject paper I and Paper II will be conventional essay-type question papers. The time allotted for each paper will be for three hours. The candidates need to select one optional subject from the given list of optional subjects and prepare according to the syllabus of each paper.
WBCS Exam Pattern for Personality Test
Each candidate who qualifies in the WBCS main exam is called for the personality test. The object of the test will be to assess the candidate’s personal qualities e.g., alertness of mind, power of clear and logical exposition, intellectual and moral integrity, leadership, and also the candidate’s range of interests. Each candidate will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The marks of the Personality Test are different for each group of services. For Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ is 200 marks, Group ‘C’ is 150 marks and for Group ‘D’ 100 marks.
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