
Ways to promote affiliate links on social media:
Affiliate marketing has come a long way since its inception,developing from conventional methods and currently ruling in the form of email marketing and social media platforms. It has been a subtle transition yet quite productive in terms of sales. However, how to promote affiliate products on social media remains a real challenge for many people .It’s a tiring process and requires a well-thought-out strategy, particularly when it comes to affiliate marketing on social media.
Some tips to promote Affiliate Links on social media platform:
Promoting in Niche-specific Groups
Popular social media websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn are some of the best platforms to promote products as an affiliate. You can browse for groups that are closely related to the niche where your product lands at. Thesegroups are one of the most effective ways to increase the product’s reach interms of organic audience. These communitiesand groups are a great way to reach the rightaudience and make your product known, it will eventually be a plus for your marketing campaign as well. Additionally, these kinds of groups have a greatchunk of marketers that you can refer to affiliate programsfor added commission.
Now how do you look for a specific group? Let’s say you’re into cloud hosting business, so you should search for groups that are related to web designing, web development, web hosting, etc.
Be the Community’s Influencer
Community marketing is gaining pacebecause of its rapid results. The question that often arises is what exactly is a community? Simplyput, a group of people related to your niche is a community and your targetmarket as an affiliate. To boost up yourproduct’s sales, you have to build a profile that influences people within the community. Profile building is perhaps one ofthe most interesting and crucial part for abusiness. Where a good profile rakes inpositive reviews, a bad profile affects business negatively.
Deliver Value With Quality Content
Apart from selecting the right product to be an affiliate for,as a marketer you need to have the right setof words while promoting your product. Affiliates often confuse content withsales pitch and that’s where things don’twork out well. An engaging blog that addressesnews, updates and fixes about the industry where your product fits, is another way to reach the rightaudience. Customers looking for industry-specificnews are more likely to stumble upon yourwebsite and hence catch a look at your product as well.
Include Product Images in the Content
Brain works with images and that is why you should specially emphasize on graphical representationwhen it comes to working as an affiliate marketer. Linkingproduct images in your content is one of the best marketing practices andconsumers are more attracted to a product or service after getting to see it. Additionally, social media platformshave higher reach and engaging rate forimages. It can’t be emphasized enough that product images are the key factorswhen it comes to closing a deal. Moreover,marketers are advised to include product images with ad copies that they promote on social mediaplatforms; this helps creating higherengagement level. Consider affiliatemarketers of Amazon and Ebay, they merge product images and specifications withtheir content to increase the probability ofsales.
Create Shortened URLs for Affiliate Redirect
Lengthy affiliate links and URLsare less appealing to users, this is why cloakingaffiliate URLs is a popular practice amongaffiliate marketers. All you need is a URL shortener tool that will make youraffiliate links look more concise andattractive.The biggest plus of shortened URLsis that they are more likely to get shared. ShortURLs are more manageable on social media platforms. Compressed URLs have high click through rate andare also feasible for compiling click datafor affiliate links that helps analyzing interest of the audience.
For example, Bitly | CustomURL Shortener, Link Management & Branded Links, Transitioning Google URL Shortener to FirebaseDynamic Links,, are some of the most popular URL shorteners used by affiliate marketers.
(Additionally,when promoting affiliate offers on socialmedia remember to follow the compliance and disclosure guidelines outlined bythe FTC for using affiliate links. Create aLanding page before sending your audiencedirectly to the offer page to avoid getting banned)