
UK Government Announces Plan to Gradually Ease Lockdown Restrictions
The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has decided to ease the coronavirus UK lockdown restrictions cautiously. The Prime Minister provided a statement on 22 February 2021 that the country is planning to start face-to-face education slowly from 8 March.
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The first restrictions of covid-19 in England officially began on 26th March 2020. The government had to increase the lockdown period several times due to the world pandemic. It is been eleven months since the English people are away from all non-essential contacts. Finally, the government has analyzed every individual circumstance about the health-risks and decided when and how they can set up face-to-face learning. Though the actions will be the same all across the United Kingdom, the timetables of lifting lockdown will be a bit different in the regions of Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
UK learning centers are already providing distance learning facilities for those who do not want to attend physical classes or have self-isolated themselves. These centers will be continuing to maintain governments’ Covid-19 guidelines to create a secure environment for staff and students.
The prime minister unveiled some steps to end the restrictions. We will discuss the dates and details here shortly.
Step 1: 8 March
All academic institutions, care homes as well as childcare centers will reopen. Students have to wear masks or cover faces during physical classes. This rule will be also the same for parents and staff. Only one person with PPE can visit care homes. In the parks, coffee shops, or picnics only two people from different houses will be allowed to sit together.
Step 2: 29 March
People can access outdoor sports facilities. Formally and securely maintained sports will be permitted. Six people or two people from different houses can meet outside or in private gardens. So, despite some UK lockdown limitations, the ‘Stay at Home’ order will be close. Travel around the local areas will be possible.
Step 3: 12 April
All social close interactions will be open. People can visit shops, gyms, salons, zoos, outdoor-sitting restaurants, libraries, and other places. Together 15 people can attend weddings. Holiday centers and outdoor hospitality venues can be accessed with family members. 30 people will be permitted to attend funerals.
Step 4: 17 May
In this stage, most of the social activities will begin. Maximum 30 people can meet outdoors while six people or two people of different houses can meet indoors. Restrictions will be lifted from remaining closed indoor centers including restaurants, cinemas, hotels, and others. Exercise and group sports sessions can be performed. But, international flights for holidays will remain closed.
Step 5: 21 June
Finally, the UK government will try to end all social connection restrictions in June. Restrictions of big event gatherings and nightclubs will be lifted. But still, the government will observe the data and circumstances and then take decisions. By that time many of the country’s adults will be vaccinated hopefully. This is the initial roadmap but MPs can give votes to it in parliament in late March to run successfully. Though there is uncertainty about scenarios so, these existing limitations will take time to be lifted around the world based on so many global impacts.
The good thing is the current restriction withdrawal plan seems working as time goes more people getting vaccinations and every adult will get the jab by the autumn. The current road map shows surely the UK is coming back to its’ normal life very soon. London and other cities will rise again the way it was dominating before. After Brexit due to a large number of EU migrants left the UK due to UK Lockdown, the international students could start taking the opportunities to take the UK experience through Post work and later on tier 2 visas in the job sector. The financial sector also shall sharply back to normal in due course. If you are planning to take these advantages, contact us – this will be the perfect time for you to plan for the UK degree and equip yourself for a great career ahead.