
If youthink job disruption by AI is limited to the assembly lines, think again: AI isdoing a better job than humans at some aspects of sales and marketing, too.
AI can analyze sales calls far faster than any sales manager could -- infact, it would take nine years of nonstop sales call analysis fora human being to compete, and that’s if they didn’t take vacation or sleep. AndAI is already being used to develop marketers’ content strategiesand email marketing playbooks -- it’s only a matter of time beforeit plays a bigger role in the process.
1. Telemarketers
You probably alreadyreceive robo-calls on behalf of various products and services, and careergrowth in the telemarketing space is expected to decline by 3% by the year 2024. This is largely in part because of therequirements to be successful: Unlike other sales roles, telemarketers don'trequire a high level of social, or emotional, intelligence to be successful.Think about it -- are you likely to purchase from a telemarketer? Conversionrates for direct telephone sales are typically less than 10%, makingthis role a ripe opportunity to be automated.
2. Bookkeeping Clerks
Jobs in this role areexpected to decline 8% by 2024, and it's no surprise why --most bookkeeping is becoming automated, if it hasn't been already. QuickBooks,FreshBooks, and Microsoft Office already offer software that does thebookkeeping for you that's much more affordable than a person's salary, so it'sno surprise this job has such a high probability.
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3. Compensation and Benefits Managers
This one is surprisingbecause the job growth is supposed to increase 7% by 2024. But justbecause there's demand doesn't make you safe from automation. As companies grow in size -- especially acrossmultinational markets -- a human and paper-based system can present morehurdles, time delays, and costs. Automated benefits systems can save time andeffort for providing benefits to large numbers of employees, and companies likeUltipro and Workday are already being widely adopted.
4. Receptionists
Pam predicted this backon The Office, but in case you're not a fan, automatedphone and scheduling systems can replace a lot of the traditional receptionistrole -- especially at modern technology companies that don't have office-widephone systems or multinational corporations.
5. Couriers:
Couriers and delivery people are already beingreplaced by drones and robots, so it's only amatter of time until this space is dominated by automation altogether. At thesame time, this space is expected to grow by 5% by 2024, so itmight not happen as quickly as you think.
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6. Proofreaders:
Proofreading software iseverywhere -- and we use it a lot here at HubSpot. From Microsoft Word's simplespelling and grammar check to Grammarly and Hemingway App, there area lot of technologies out there that make it easy to self-check your ownwriting.
7. Computer Support Specialists:
The field is projectedto grow 12% by 2024, but with so much content on the internetwith instructions, step-by-step guides, and hacks out there, it's no surprisecompanies will rely more heavily on bots and automation to answer supportquestions from employees and customers in the future.
8. Market Research Analysts:
Market research analystsplay an incredibly important role in the development of messaging, content, andproducts, but automated AI and surveys can compile this information more andmore easily. GrowthBot, for example, can conductmarket research on nearby businesses and competitors with a simple Slackcommand.
9. Advertising Salespeople:
As advertising shifts away from print and TV and towards web andsocial media landscapes, people simply don't need to be managing those salesfor marketers who want to buy ad space. More social media platforms aremaking it easy for people to buy space through free application programinterfaces (APIs) and self-serve ad marketplaces toremove the salesperson and make it faster and easier for users to make money --and that's reflected in the projected 3% decline in theindustry.
10. Retail Salespeople:
If you've visited a mall,car dealership, or furniture store lately, you might not have been assisted bya salesperson at all from start to finish. Companies are democratizing theshopping experience with features like self-checkout, and the modern buyer ismuch more internet-savvy and more likely to do internet research and make abuying decision on their own.
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