
Tips to Improve English Communication | English Learning App
“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” – Paul J. Meyer
Here are 3 tips from our top experts at EngVarta that will help you improve your English communication.
Did you ever wonder how and why you speak in Hindi so fluently? It’s because you think and feel in Hindi. You simply listen to what people around you speak.
Now, when you talk in English, you start translating your native language to English in your mind. It’s a very hectic process for your brain. This is what you need to stop doing and instead of translating, start feeling and thinking in English.
It’s all about your mindset. You need to set your mind on ‘Stop translating and start feeling’. Tell your mind not to translate and instead start feeling English the way you feel Hindi.
We all know that we have a monkey mind that keeps on talking in our head. It is a person inside you and with that person, you’re always having a conversation in your language. Maybe you’re doing all your conversations with your monkey friend in Hindi right now. You need to start doing it in English. And at this stage don’t worry about making mistakes or correcting grammar, etc. Remember do it like kids. Maybe you speak wrong English but don’t worry about it. There are many ways to correct and improve it once your mind is set.
So, by doing your chit chat in English with your monkey mind, you are creating the right environment for your brain to learn English.
Improving your English communication is just like how you take on your fitness program, where you need intense focus and positive mindset to stay fit and get the physique you want. Learning to speak English fluently can’t be done in one day. It takes time and requires regular practice.
Just don’t give up, be consistent and keep practicing it every day.
I am going to take that analogy of fitness program here again with your English learning goal. When you go to the fitness center, you’re 1-hour activity in the fitness center isn’t that important than what you do and eat for the rest 23 hours of your day. That is what make you achieve your goals faster. So here comes your diet program because what you eat is very important.
Same way when it comes to learning English, it is very important that you are on the right diet and your diet here is to learn 5 new words every day to improve your vocabulary and use those words in your regular conversation.
If you don’t have somebody to talk with in English, you can write your conversation/thoughts by using those words or you can also record your voice to check if you’ve pronounced the word correctly.
If you want to know where are you making mistakes in your communication and want to make improvements, you can ask one of your friends to listen to your recording, review your writings or even you could talk with them. Now if you’re worried your friends might judge you & you’re not comfortable to be vulnerable with them, then just connect with a friend at EngVarta who happens to be an English expert as well. Even I would recommend going this way first because remember, the mindset is very hard to build and once you have built it, I don’t want shame or someone’s judgment taking that away from you.
If I ask you on the very first day of your fitness training to do 30 push-ups and you enthusiastically say …… Okay! Let’s do it and you started doing.
Great! I am your coach here and I am counting…. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,… So on…
(After 12 push ups)
Oh God! It’s too painful…..
You feel like giving up after 12 push ups and there you say: I can’t do anymore!
Oh No! What happened to you after 12 pushups? You don’t have enough strength?
Now if I ask you to keep on doing it on a daily basis, then what will happen after a month?
You’ll be able to do 30 push-ups or even more very easily.
Because now you’ve got enough strength and that’s how you build your stamina.
Same thing applies when it comes to your English communication. You need to practice speaking English daily to improve your communication skills. All I want you to do is to speak in English with a new person every day. Whatever words you are learning, call the random person, talk with him/her and use those words. Take the critics, listen to feedbacks and improve. Keep on doing this for a month and I bet, you will see improvements.
Now you’re wondering how to find a random person to speak in English every day, And why a random person? I can talk with my friend or my brother.
So here is another tip :
Doing it daily is important because you gotta build strength, but doing it daily with a new person is as important. And here is why :
Did you ever notice you get super comfortable with your friends and family. And it’s easy to say things and communicate with them. But that’s not what happens when you go for that job interview or meet someone and there you need to talk in English. That new person with whom you need to communicate is a total stranger & it gets weirder when that person doesn’t care about your knowledge but instead how well you communicate in English.
Hey listen, you been practicing English with your friends and family so far. So your mind is not ready to carry on a conversation in English with a stranger in a comfortable way. You start sweating, panic starts and then you lose control over what you speak or you get quiet for a long time and that makes a bad impression. So the takeaway here is that you’re not ready to communicate in English with strangers.
So in your practice, what was missing? That Stranger was missing.
You need to bring a nice stranger to practice English every day. The good thing is, you don’t need to go on a hunt for a stranger every day. Just call EngVarta and it will find you a nice stranger (verified) who speaks English and is ready to help you improve your communication.
Now there it is – Your English fitness program. Follow the 3 Steps & let me know how it works for you in the comments.
Ps: Don’t forget to share what you found useful.
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Thanks, it helped me a lot.
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