
Madhya Pradesh Public ServiceCommission (MPPSC) is recruiting the most eligible and interestedcandidates in the Revenue, Finance and School education department. Theselection will be conducted for the recruitment of skilled candidates withinthe state of Madhya Pradesh. The recruitment will be purely based on thepreliminary and mains exams. The prelims exam was conducted on 12th January2020. Also the mains exam done on July 25, 2021. Check here for the MPPSCPreparation Strategy and explore the toppers strategy for mppsc exam 2021.
This exam is one of the most difficultexaminations. Many candidates appear in this examination only after incompletepreparation, and later they must bear the brunt of it as a failure. Therefore,if you want to get better results in MPPSC exam, then you should adopt theseeasy tips that are being told by the most prestigious mppsc coaching of indore.
Prepare for MPPSC exam with MPPSC Coaching in Indore.
Important points on Mppsc Study Preparation:
1. Focuson Accuracy:
The main target for the candidates should be on achievinghigh accuracy. In the MPPSC exam, there is no negative marking and a need toattain the qualifying paper to pass the exam. In such scenario, candidatescannot depend upon random selection of answers or choosing the odd one out;this might end up in fetching you a wrong answering and thus losing theprospective scores.
2. TimeManagement:
The MPPSC exam is about time management and command overspeed. Candidates are required to attempt as many questions as possible in thegiven time frame. Candidates should focus on managing time while attempting themock tests online. Try not to give over one minute to a particular question.
3.Practice Previous Year Papers:
Practicing mppsc previousyears papers is a vital process for scoring high in the MPPSC exam. So,undertake the practice of mock tests for MPPSC exams and brush up yourpreparation level. By practicing the mock tests, candidates will not only getconfident about their MPPSC exampreparations, but it will also give you a good idea about our strongholdareas and sections of the examinations.
4. Make atimetable for self-study:
Aspirants who are willing to prepare at home must and shouldhave a proper timetable regarding their self-study. They must be able to managetheir time for the topics that need to be covered. Candidates should have a goodknowledge of the MPPSC syllabus, and they should be thorough with everytopic/section, as the MPPSC exam paper is likely to include different types ofquestions in it.
5.Complete the syllabus topic-wise:
This is the important thing because if you are studying insuch a way that you don’t even know from which topic the question is, then thiswill be a big problem. Remembering the questions is difficult, but if you studytopic-wise, then it will be easy to complete the topics, and at the time ofexamination, you can quickly solve the questions.
6. Learnthrough online resources:
Candidates should try and make use of online resources bydownloading relevant MPPSCexam books and study materials and practice more from mock papers and prioryears’ MPPSC exam question papers for better preparation.
7.Prepare Short Key Notes:
· Make precise mppsc notes of all thetopics that are frequently over the past years.
· These short notes will help you in preparing atthe very last moment.
· You should perform a quick revision of thesenotes daily.
· Keep in mind that the keynotes must be short,precise & to the point.
8.Revision is must:
· Revision is the most important part of everyexam.
· As the syllabus is wide, it is natural to forgetthings.
· To avoid forgetting, timely revision isnecessary.
9.Analyse yourself:
· Candidates can go for MPPSC testseries that are available online.
· Taking a mock test will help the aspirants to increasetheir question-solving speed.
· Taking mock tests will increase the precision& accuracy of a candidate & they will finish the actual exam in time.