
With the dominance of the western culture, Catholic bioethics has been secularized to a large extent and it has established a more radical approach in the healthcare sector. Healthcare has changed tremendously in this new age of secular Catholic bioethics. Read further to know how.
Catholic bioethics studies a wide range of ethical and social issues related to biomedical research. With the rise of secular Catholic bioethics, the moral judgments regarding abortion, sexual intercourse, euthanasia, and many such practices are considered irrelevant and ill-suited. These practices are declared individual lifestyle choices in the modern-day. With these changing cultural and social conditions, the healthcare scenario has hugely transformed. This is how healthcare has changed in the age of secular catholic theology online.
The change in healthcare in the age of secular Catholic bioethics
With the emergence of secular Catholic bioethics, the practice of sexual promiscuity is freed from moral judgments. This has led to the introduction of erectile dysfunction treatments in single men who are sexually active and the use of contraceptives by single women who are sexually active with a liberal mind. Also, earlier, many sexual behaviors that were considered abnormal, thereby suggesting psychiatric disorders are no longer declared abnormal, in the modern-day.
With the introduction of secular Catholic bioethics, any research conducted on gender dysphoria and the negative impacts of transgender surgery is now considered highly inappropriate and transphobic. Many transgendered activists have condemned such research activities to honor and protect the rights of the young transgender community.
Earlier, homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder. However, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) declared that homosexuality could no more be classified as a mental disorder, and removed its diagnosis from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The western culture does not consider homosexuality as a mental disorder, rather it claims that homosexuality is a personal choice and not a sin.
As a result of secularized Catholic bioethics, pedophilia, which was earlier diagnosed as a psychiatric disorder is no more classified as a mental disorder by the authors of the DSM. Rather, the authors announced that pedophiles have a mere pedophilic sexual orientation and not a pedophilic disorder.
Western culture has radically transformed the healthcare sector by establishing a non-judgmental and liberal thought process, around the various medical practices. As a result, moral judgments revolving around medical research, are now considered inappropriate and irrelevant. This is how healthcare has changed drastically in the age of secular Catholic bioethics. provides certification in Catholic bioethics. This program is one of the best Catholic bioethics programs for those who want to gain a deeper insight into bioethics from the Catholic point of view.