
Here I am sharing some important exam preparation tips for the last few days with you.
Preparation Booster to clear cut-off of UPSC CDS 2022
On April 10, 2022, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will hold the CDS 2022 Examination.
Here I am sharing some important exam preparation tips for the last few days with you:
In order to ace the exam, you should keep up with
Current Events
You can revise the current events by attempting Daily short quizzes of Current Affairs at Testwale. Focus more on History, Polity, Economics and General Science.
English newspapers
Any national English newspaper will help you to improve your analytical skills, national and global awareness, as well as your vocabulary.
Previous Year question papers.
The last 10 to 15 days should be spent taking UPSC CDS Full-length Mock Tests and solving UPSC CDS previous year papers. This will allow you to gain a better understanding of the exam pattern, syllabus, and time management. I would recommend the wonderful website for taking Free CDS Mock Tests. Their Test Series is designed by subject matter experts and will assist you in assessing your readiness.
Good Luck with the Exam Day!