
EDEN IAS – Utkarsh is one stop solution for Civil Services preparation for aspirants who are in the final year of their graduation, graduate, post graduate or above. This course covers the entire UPSC preparation (Prelims – Mains – Interview) in one year. If you are searching for the best IAS coaching in Delhi then this course is an answer to your search. We provide the coaching in both Offline and online modes. We believe in a comprehensive preparation which just not helps you to compete as a beginner but also it helps you to compete with various old competitors who have already attempted the examination (given a Mains or Interview before) and are going to appear again with you.
There is multi stage preparation approach to leave no stones unturned for this exam. Every aspirant wants to crack UPSC/ IAS exam in their first attempt, so it is necessary to follow every preparation step which most of the aspirants skip in their first attempt due to the miss management of time.
STAGE I – We will cover the entire Prelims and Mains Syllabus in Pre cum Mains mode together, first of all we will cover the overlapping subject syllabus which comes in both Prelims and Mains exams (Eg; Polity, History- Ancient- Medieval – Modern – Art & Culture, Geography, Economy, Environment & Ecology, Science & Technology etc) through regular classes (One subject at a time; next subject starts after the completion of the running subject in the class) from -
STAGE II– We will move to the next stage to cover the Mains specific subjects after the completion of overlapping subjects; These Mains specific subjects are mostly driven or interlinked with those overlapping subjects. (Eg; It becomes easier to understand GOVERNANCE, IR, SOCIAL JUSTICE, SOCIETY etc after studying INDIAN POLITY | As it becomes easy to understand ENVIRONMENT & ECOLOGY, DISASTER MANAGEMENT etc after studying Geography…. And so on)
STAGE III – This stage begins, when the UPSC releases the application for the Prelims examination. We start our focused revision on Prelims, the course is quite famous for its high selection ratio in Prelims exam – known as MISSION PRELIM, which mostly students from other coaching join as a crash course or revision course (As their coaching doesn’t provide them revision classes) but for our students – The revision classes are not chargeable under foundation course.
STAGE IV – This stage begins just after the commencement of Prelims Examination. We start with the focused revision for Main’s examination through MISSION MAINS program.
STAGE V – Interview Guidance Program under the team of experts