
Acemyhomework Writers | Seminar in Composition Film Essay | Acemyhomework Writers
Seminar in Composition- Film Essay
At the end ofbell hooks’ essay “Eating the Other” she stresses the importance of refrainingfrom “accept[ing] these new images uncritically.” The “new images” to which sherefers are culled from an assortment of cultural images from early 1990’s (whenhooks was writing) expressing some sort of desire for/or toward the Other. Itis important to note that hooks is not advocating for a kneejerk disapprovaland condemnation of such images; she is asking us to consider these imagescarefully by bringing any overlooked social context “out into the open” in aneffort to better understand “our politics [and] our understanding ofdifference” (380).
In this essay, wewill consider an array of cultural images of the Other from our own time,roughly 27 years after hook’s essay. (I will explain where these images cancome from in the options below.) These images may—like those hooks looksat—express desire, but they may just as easily express distrust, love, anger,veneration, or some combination of many other complicated feelings. Youwill try to answer the questions like the following: What do these imagesexpress in regard to race or the Other? What assumptions about identity areimplicit in these images and that we may overlook? How do I relate to theseimages? What do these images exemplify about larger social, cultural orpolitical trends?
Option 1: Some combination of a) Jordan Peel’s GetOut (2016), b) an artists’ work featured in the Carnegie Internationalexhibition at the Carnegie Museum of Art, c) a relatively recent advertisement(e.g. a print ad in a magazine, sponsored instagram story, a televisioncommercial, etc).
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