
The RTE act came into the picture in 2009, also known as the Right to Education Act 2009. It was adopted by the Parliament of India on 4 August 2009 and outlined details of the necessity of free and compulsory education for children aged between 6-14 years. It is kept in mind and noted under Article 21 (A) of the Constitution of India.
With this, the entire neighborhood is kept in check, through surveys, by identifying the children eligible for education. Many children in India, especially in the rural areas, are deserving but don't have access to education- passionate about studies but don't get it rightly.
Education challenges have been a part of India for years. The Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009 maps out possibilities for the state, centers and local bodies to identify the gaps in education. Once they remember it, the act works to enhance the quality of education in the country.
The Benefits And Purpose
While the Right To Education Act In India serves many purposes, it also fulfills different benefits that can help students in India. It will also lead to the education system in India getting better, organized and equal opportunity for all.
Compulsory and free education for all
The government must offer free and compulsory education to each child. The act provides free education to disadvantaged students who have no access to education.
Under the act, the children get textbooks, uniforms, stationery items and unique educational material for disabled children. It will offer them a ray of hope and a burden to get rid of expenses.
The Right To Education Act In India establishes norms and criteria that consider strict factors of pupil-teacher ratios (the number of students per teacher) for the classrooms. There must be a proper and separate bathroom for girls and boys, with good drinking water facilities.
The number of school-working days and teacher working hours needs to get evaluated before time. Every elementary school in India must abide by the guidelines set in the act to meet the minimum level established by the Right to Education Act.
Quality Over Everything
Quality education is a must! The Right to education act offers mandatory appointment of appropriately trained teachers. Not anyone without relevant experience or skills can teach the students, and only professional teachers with the requisite entry and academic qualifications will prepare the students.
Zero tolerance against discrimination and harassment
One of the best parts about the Right To Education (RTE) Act In India is it prohibits any form of discrimination.
One can avoid physical punishment and mental harassment, along with discrimination based on gender, caste, class and religion.
Students face discrimination when dealing with screening procedures for admission, fee issues, seeking private tuition and more. They are likely to be protected by the act.
Ensuring all-round development of children
The Right to education act ensures students gain access to quality education and provides for curriculum development. It focuses on studies accompanied by a child’s knowledge, human potential and talent.
Now that you know so much about the RTE act, it will help you make the right decision for students near you. If you are witnessing any discrimination, you know who to reach for help. Every student deserves a chance to study, build their career and get educated.
Even with no money, free education offers excellent support. You can learn more about RTE at Get Legal India. Get informed about the laws, acts and what is expected from the citizens of India.