
Resume structure
Document's name
Actually it's just the word "summary". Recently, this document is sometimes called Curriculum Vitae (CV, Latin for "biography") as is the practice when writing summaries in other languages. This option is more beautiful and more accurate in meaning, but it is quite rare here.
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A brief description of what position you are applying for. It is recommended that you list all the positions that you would like to fill. The existing structure of HR departments and recruitment agencies is often extremely inflexible. The completed questionnaire is placed in a folder (entered into a directory), in accordance with your indication of "specialization". Once in, for example, a "sales manager", you often have no chance of getting considered as a "product manager". Therefore, it is necessary to indicate all the vacancies that are interesting to you. (However, do not stretch this paragraph for more than two or three lines).
Your name, address, phone number (including area code), e-mail (if any).
Education in the resume of a young specialist with little or no practical work experience (not counting practice) takes the leading place. Education is indicated with dates, in reverse order: buy argumentative essay online!
the main - the university (and the name of the faculty) in 19__ - __;
additional (parallel) - second higher education (if you have one) in 19__ - __;
it is important to inform about the completion of courses and certification in the specialty. If you value the completion of courses in accordance with a hobby (for example, macrame), include it in the last part - a hobby, but not in the "education" section;
it is only necessary to indicate a high school if it is a language or other special school, or if you graduated from high school with honors (having a gold / silver medal);
it is important to indicate the technical school;
mark also the diploma with honors, additional specialties;
if the institute (university) specialization of the applicant is in contact, at least partially, with the position of interest to him, the name of the graduating department can also be indicated;
if work experience is insufficient or absent, as is often the case with a young specialist, it is recommended to indicate the subjects studied (especially those in which the greatest success was achieved), good and excellent grades, awards at olympiads and competitions, etc.;
it is also necessary to indicate the availability of publications, especially in specialized publications, inventions or own developments;
It is also important not to forget about the attractiveness of the word "state" - state courses, state awards, etc.
Work experience (practice) in reverse chronological order
A graduate who studied diligently, attended additional courses and tried to get an internship, rarely when he has experience of constant long-term work. If you have work experience, then it is customary to describe it in reverse chronological order and, opposite the time and place of work, indicate your position and functions, focusing on professional achievements. Internship and internship counts as work experience, and a good internship is worth a few part-time jobs.
Work (practice) is also indicated in the reverse order: first the present or last place of work, then the previous one, etc.
You must specify:
start and end dates of work (practice),
the name of the organization (there is no need to indicate in the resume the detailed address of the enterprises where you worked, it will be enough to indicate their name and the city in which they are located),
job title (there may be several of them if your career has developed successfully),
position and list the job responsibilities - as complete as possible, since this is often decisive.
If for a person with a long work history it is recommended to indicate only the last 3-5 jobs and a period of no more than 10 years, then for a young specialist it is important to indicate as much (all) labor (practical) work experience as possible.
It is important to include information about the special courses attended and the training passed in the graduate's resume.
It is also important (required) to indicate the production achievements for each position, if any. When describing achievements, it is necessary to use action verbs, such as developed, saved, increased or reduced. Extremely specific wording is desirable.