Prepare a presentation: the SELL method
Prepare a presentation: the SELL method
Some things stand the test of time. Take our SELL method, to prepare a scientific presentation. Developed by Alexia You knovsky, it has created and delivered powerful speeches for nearly 12 years.

Prepare a presentation: the SELL method

 Used in all of our public speaking training, essay writer service it has been tested and approved by more than 2,500 researchers and innovators from all continents. Here's a look at what's behind this tried and true recipe.


Present at a congress, participate in a pitch competition or defend their budgets: scientists must constantly convince of the interest of their work. Whether they have 1, 20 or 60 minutes, it is never easy to structure and clarify your speech. Agent Majeur's SELL method was designed for them. In 3 steps, it allows them to prepare effective presentations.

What are the steps of the SELL method?

In English, “the SELL Method®” is the acronym for the three steps that we recommend that you follow for your oral presentations: Skeleton, Envelop, Life and Logistics.

1 / S as Skeleton

First and foremost, it is about "Building the skeleton" of your speech. You start by defining the message of your presentation. This is what your audience should take away from your intervention when they leave the room. Then, you build a plan and therefore an argument around this message.

2 / E as Envelope

The second step is called “Making the envelope”. It consists in "dressing" this skeleton. You develop the content of your introduction, online essay writer your conclusion and the other parts of the plan. Then you prepare impactful presentation materials. Your “Envelope” allows you to arouse and maintain the interest of your audience throughout your speech.

3 / LL for Life and Logistics

In the 3rd step, “Breathe life into and take care of the logistics”, you bring your presentation to life. You work on the non-verbal aspect of your speaking: flow, diction, gaze, silence… By limiting your stress, you let your personality express itself. Add to that the logistics aspect, microphones, lights or type of room, and you have everything you need to make the most of the opportunities offered to you to express yourself in public.

What is this method for?

To convince, you have to talk to your audience about what interests them, be clear and captivating. You want to talk about your work, its technical interest, the steps taken, the difficulties encountered ... It's normal. Besides, you surely know this expression, taken up in a song: "Tell me about me, that's what interests me". Your audience wants to know what they can gain if they trust you. This method helps you focus on what interests your audience. Talk to him about him.

Technical matters are inherently complex. Your role is to make your work easy to understand. With the SELL method, you popularize at the right level . You tailor your content to the profile of the people in front of you. The attention of your audience is not acquired in advance. It has to be earned! With this method, you make your words clear and memorable.

How to implement it ?

Don't hesitate to start writing your speech 2-3 weeks before your deadline. Good ideas - those that leave an impression on your audience for a long time to come, don't necessarily come up early in your thinking.

Much of the prep work is done on the table, with paper and pencil. You reflect on your own goals and the expectations of your audience. Based on this, you define your message. Then, you build a plan that supports that message. In the book "  SELL Your Research: Public Speaking for Scientists  " which describes the SELL method, we have compiled many examples of messages and plans that work, drawing on inspiring presentations from researchers and innovative project leaders.

Then you develop the content of your presentation. Arguments, examples, anecdotes: everything you use must go in the direction of your message. When your content is clearly defined, you prepare your presentation materials. If you use PowerPoint materials or movies, this is when you get to your computer.

Finally, on D-day, you focus on your vocal and body preparation. It may seem difficult, at first glance, to work on your non-verbal communication , but there are many exercises available to develop your fluency. In our trainings, we have seen many speakers go from “not ready” and “stressed” to “presentation superstar” within a few weeks: anything is possible with work and technique.

What are the pitfalls to avoid during an oral presentation?

1 / Modify the recipe

Making complex concepts simple and exciting is hard work, which requires a lot of rigor. You cannot make a mayonnaise if by changing the recipe. If, for example, you start your preparation by pouring oil into a bowl, it will not take, even if you add your egg yolk and mustard afterwards. Instead of a creamy sauce, you'll get a kind of uninspiring vinaigrette. Likewise, you cannot prepare a convincing presentation by starting with your PowerPoint materials . The SELL method is our recipe for your public speaking engagements. There is an order to follow for the mayonnaise to set.

2 / make it too long

We won't blame you for running shorter than your allotted time, even if your presentation is excellent! Longer, on the other hand, is problematic. Think of all those who have a plane to catch, children to pick up from school, a furious desire to go smoke a cigarette… And respect this precious time which they would like to have as they please.

3 / Being too technical

A work of popular science is often necessary to bring your audience to be interested in your topic. To do this, we advise you to assess the level of knowledge of your contacts before your intervention. Minimize the use of scientific jargon, create a link between your discipline and your audience, illustrate your words, handle analogies, humor, anecdotes… Here are so many “tips” that will allow your audience to better understand you.

The point of view of Alexia Youknovsky, CEO of Agent Majeur and creator of the SELL® method

"Scientists are constantly asked to convince, Buy essay online whether it is their management, public authorities, funders ... However, it is rare that they have received training in scientific communication. Often, they don't know how to go about delivering presentations that get right to the point. It is on the basis of this observation that we developed the SELL method 12 years ago. It is easy to remember and apply on a daily basis. "