
Sai ram or Sai Baba who does not know about him. He is epitome of love. And his purity and love heal everything. He is an Indian Spiritual master who is followed by millions across the world. The name “Miracles with Sai Ram” we kept as he is miraculous healer. And through this class we want to spread his miracles in people’s life. Lots of students joins the class.
Pushpa Viveka Healing home is keen to the service of humanity & kindness. Its main aim is to form the people understand their own religion and allow them to show their true self. Through our healing workshops we would like to attach with millions and many people and monitor them to align themselves towards their true divine nature, and once we are aligned to our true selves, we not only create the magic in our life but also help others to make magic in their lives.
Neetu jha is the best and expert healer. Contact now! Get best and excellent classes under her guidance.