
Bookworms or the frequent readers out there will understand the importance of good publishing companies. Because having good content to read is important but having good quality published book is equally vital. Here, we have got you a brief guide speaking about few of the good book publishing companies one can have a look on.
This is specially for the one who is willing to publish their content over eBook format or want to have access of their writing on the digital format. Kobo has been recognised as one of the biggest and largest eBook publishing companies in the recent days. Their specially designed application is available in android, apple or desktop.
This offers the readers and authors’ one of the interactive web-based magazines. This platform is quite easy to use and offers amazing accessibility conveniently. They have they’re some of their plans free of cost and one can easily employ them. Their pricing strategies ranges from time to time an have quite dynamic ways. They offer various limit of the storage and if the author got the content ready in the pdf format, they can easily upload the content on the platform will publish in no time.
This is also a web-publishing company willing to help business online in boosting their content. They publish the content online and also help authors by letting their traffic grow.
Penguin Books Publishing house
Switching back to the traditional book publishing companies. Penguin is the company dealing in over 200 divisions and imprints and in terms of actual publishing records, it publishes on an average 15000 books in a year and also sells 800 million copies annually. Founded in year 1992 and monitoring multiple books publishing formats like print, audio, and eBooks. This publishing house has been recognized as one of finest book publishing houses over the years.
This has been recognized as one from the best five book publishing companies. Founde4d in year 1989 with the help of multi-company merger, this is today a subsidiary of News Corp with having 120 individual imprints. They have been dealing in various book formats as well.
Macmillan Publishers
This is another one of the renowned names in the groups of book publishing houses. Macmillan was formed in year 2015 through a merger. It has been famous name and has worked with authors like Lewis Carroll, Rudyard Kipling and W.B Yeats. Macmillan publishers are the global book publishing house dealing in various countries. They have the broad range of award-winning books developed and published in various formats including prints, eBooks, audio books and so on. Macmillan publishers have been known as publishing division of the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, which is a broad family-owned media company having headquarter in Germany.