
List of Important Books for MPPSC Examination and where to get the best mppsc notes?
MPPSC has come with another part of the Preliminary Examination and we are confident that this post will be beneficial for you. In this post, we will understand the complete strategy related to MPPSC Preliminary Examination.
The success of the MPPSC Preliminary Exam depends on your strategy. An unscientific and stress-raising strategy created in an unscientific way leads you to despair rather than success. So, we will discuss the specific strategy here and what sources to study for different subjects. Be given more priority and which less?
The Preliminary Examination consists of two question papers of 200 - 200 marks, first, the merit of General Studies and the second exam of C-SAT is prepared only based on General Studies Question Paper, C-SAT marks are not added to it SAT is qualifying in nature, in addition to C-SAT in the preliminary examination, the focus of General Studies question paper should be given.
In the past years, after a subtle analysis of the questions asked from various sections of general studies, it is known that within all the sections there are some special subdivisions that often ask more questions, for example, the most questions in history are asked from modern Indian history. In the same way, fewer questions are asked in science than in science. Prepare for State service exam with mppsc notes provided by Indore No.1 Mppsc Coaching
However, it is necessary to state here that this analysis is not considered to be the final truth. One of the features of this exam is that the tendency of the questions asked in this is always changing. Therefore, it would be better to have more make a stronghold on more sections, however, in the absence of time, success can be achieved by strategizing smartly. In the preparation of the preliminary exam, it is beneficial to practice by solving the previous 10-15 years MPPSC question papers. Makes sense.
MPPSC General Studies Syllabus (Question Paper 1)
1. General Science and Environment.
2. Current events of national and international importance.
3. History of India and independent India.
4. (a) Geography of India
(B) General geographical information of the world.
5. Indian Politics and Economy
6 Sports
7. Geography history and culture of Madhya Pradesh.
8. Politics and Economy of Madhya Pradesh.
9. Information and Communication Technology.
10. Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Act 1989 and Civil Rights Protection Act 1995 |
11. Protection of Human Rights Act 1993
1. Indian History
· In the study material of history, it is necessary that the selected books be read again and again:
· Modern India: Vipin Chandra (NCERT 12th)
· Ancient India: Ramsharan Sharma Old (old NCERT 11th & 12th)
· Medieval India: NCERT 11th & 12th
2. Geography MPPSC books in Hindi
· Geography of India: NCERT 6th to 12th
· World Geography: NCERT 6th to 12th
· Oxford Atlas: Study by Map
· Geography of India: DR, Khullar, Majid Hussain (select section only)
3. Indian Politics and Economy MPPSC books in Hindi
· Laxmikant and NCERT 9th to 12th
4. Economy MPPSC books in Hindi
· Economic Review Budget Current Affairs |
· NCERT 9th to 12th
· Ramesh Singh: Indian Economy
5. General Science and Environment
· NCERT 6th to 12th
· Current Affairs (Mirror competition, employment news)
6. Current events of national and international importance
· Pudhekar publicesh current affairs
· Dainik Bhaskar Newspaper
7. Sports
· Current Affairs (magazine and news)
· Useful exam content from various internet sites.
8. Information and Communication Technology
· Competition Reference (Computer & Information Technology)
· Current Affairs Internet
· Science progress magazine
9. Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Act 1989 Civil Rights and Protection of Human Rights Act 1993
· Competition event cycle
· MPPSC Pre Solved Paper and Act
Hard work must be done for success in the preliminary examination, the role of coaching is limited to the direction of Mahavir event cycle, and competition mirror magazine in preparation of Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission, every section of it is worth reading and saving. In the entire preparation, this magazine proves to be helpful, however, every student should study the magazine regularly, in the end, with constant patience and hard work, keep on preparing for the exam. Surely success will one day kiss you. Prepare with best mppsc notes and study material.