
Are you looking for an RBI Assistant revision plan for the last 10 days?
Do not pick up a new topic. Any new thing you try to learn right now may not be retained correctly. Try to go over what you've learned so far again and again until you've mastered it.
Take RBI Assistant Full Length Mock Test one last time to measure your progress.
Do not take revision lightly and leave it for the last night. Reread all of the concepts, formulas, shortcuts, and tricks to ensure that you don't forget them.
Time is of the essence, and it is easy to lose track of it while taking an exam. This is where your practice will pay off. Manage it properly.
Speed and accuracy is one aspect that would outshine your performance. Try to answer as many questions as possible with 100 percent accuracy because you cannot afford to lose even one-fourth of your marks on this exam.
Write the formula, shortcuts, tricks, and so on on a separate piece of paper so you can go over it quickly before the exam.
Try to avoid negative thoughts or people who demotivate you. Have faith that you have done your best and that your efforts will be rewarded.
Take a well-balanced diet. Avoid oily, heavy and sugary snacks. Stay well hydrated.
Don't let anxiety derail your planning. Make sure you don't sleep too little. A good night's sleep will improve your concentration and help you remember things more easily. Continue to remind yourself that there is nothing you cannot accomplish.