
ICAI ALLOWS PROVISIONAL REGISTRATION TO CLASS X STUDENTS FOR FOUNDATION COURSE:- CA Atul Kumar Gupta, President of the ICAI said, “The Institute has recently got the approval of Government of India for amending the Regulations 25E, 25F & 28F of Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 which now enables the candidate to provisionally register in the Foundation Course of ICAI after passing Class 10 examinations. However, provisional admission to Foundation course will only be regularized once the candidate clears Class 12 exams.” He also added that this will help the students to prepare for the course while pursuing Class XI & XII. As a result, they would have ample time to update their knowledge and acquire requisite techniques to pass the course with flying colors. ICAI also offers free online classes to students of Foundation which can be accessed anytime, anywhere.