How will Ray assess Dallas’ readiness to learn? | Acemyhomework Writers
How will Ray assess Dallas’ readiness to learn? | Acemyhomework Writers
Case Studies, Chapter 6, Health Teaching  1. Dallas is a 75-year-old man who was diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes 3 days ago. Ray is a home care

How will Ray assess Dallas’ readiness to learn? | Acemyhomework Writers

Case Studies, Chapter 6, Health Teaching 

1. Dallas is a 75-year-old man who was diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes 3 days ago. Ray is a home care nurse assigned to do his diabetic teaching. Today Ray plans to teach about using syringes to draw up insulin. Dallas has not been following the diabetic diet, which Ray taught on his last visit. Today Dallas states, “I will never get all this stuff straight. Plus, I want my piece of pie and dish of ice cream every day. I am not staying on that diet.” His wife states, “Dal is very slow in making any kind of change.” (Learning Objectives 1, 3, 5, 7)

            a. How will Ray assess Dallas’ readiness to learn?

            b. What other questions or concerns could Ray clarify with Dallas?

2. Paula, a 45-year-old woman, had knee replacement surgery 2 days ago. Jamesha is teaching Paula how to use the controlled-analgesia pump. Jamesha knows that learning is facilitated when information is perceived as needed or has relevance and immediate application for the individual. Jamesha also realizes it is important, when doing discharge teaching, to assess the postsurgical client’s perception of the need to learn about pain control. (Learning Objectives 2, 3)

            • How will Jamesha assess Paula’s readiness to learn?

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