
How to use Fildena
Fildena also called "Weekend tablets" or "Magical ED tablets" used to treat male dysfunction problems also helping to increase blood flow in the penis area. It's a fully FDA-approved medication used to treat male dysfunction or male erection issues during intercourse period. Fildena manufactured by fortune health care & available in different dosages & strengths.
Its doctors prescribed tablets helping to get hard rock erection during the intercourse time period. Fildena (Viagra) usually leaves the system after a few hours. Depending on your metabolism, Viagra can take 5 to 6 hours to completely leave your system. The higher the dose, the longer it takes to get away from the body. A dose of 25 mg can wear out after a few hours, but a dose of 100 mg can take almost four times as long to leave the system.
How to take Fildena
- You can't take more than 1 tablets within 24 hours
- Don't consume alcohol or other ED tablets while taking Sildenafil tablet.
- Don't consume tablets as per your friend or family's suggestion.
- It's long last up to 4 to 6 hours.
How much cost of fildena 100 mg per pill?
pills start from just $0.80 to $2.44 it depends on which pack you can select.