
- First, it is important to have complete information about the exam.
- Understand the syllabus coming in the exam.
- Gather strategy and study material.
- Study with concentration.
- Along with studies, writing is also important.
- Give mock tests again and again
- Newspapers and magazines published daily
- 9 Question paper in main exam
- Eligibility for UPSC
- Stages of UPSC
- UPSC prelims exam pattern
- General studies ii (csat)
- UPSC mains exam pattern
- Post in UPSC?
- IAS preparation without coaching
- How to prepare for IAS at home?
- How to prepare for IAS after 10th?
- How to prepare for IAS after 12th
- Books for IAS preparation
- Online IAS coaching platform
9 question paper in main exam
question paper | total marks |
Question Paper 1: Essay | 250 |
Question Paper 2 : English English Paper | 250 |
Question Paper 3: Indian language | 250 |
Question Paper 4 : General Studies GS Paper 1 | 250 |
Question Paper 5: General Studies GS Paper 2 | 250 |
Question Paper 6 : General Studies GS Paper 3 | 250 |
Question Paper 7 : General Studies GS Paper 4 | 250 |
Question Paper 8 : Optional Paper 1 | 250 |
Question Paper 9 : Optional Paper 2 | 250 |
Eligibility for UPSC
The age limit for the UP SC exam is 21years to 32 years for candidates. The age limit of OBC candidatesis from 21 years to 35 years. UPSC conducts the exam once in ayear.
Stages of UPSC
- Prelims
- main exam
- interview (interview)
- Prelims – This exam is a preliminary exam.
It consists of 2 papers.
Paper 1 and Paper 2, all questionsare of multiple-choice type
Paper1 consists of questions like Political Science,General Science Economics and General Studies (Historical, Geography) as wellas Current Affairs.
Quantitative Aptitude Questions areasked in Paper 2 based on Quantitative Aptitude. To passin the paper, it is necessary to have at least (33) 33% percentage marks, it isof qualifying type in nature. Only after passing this exam, we can takepart in the main exam.
- Main Examination – This examination is the main examination. After clearing the preliminary exam, you can appear in the main exam. There are four GS papers inside it – one paper is optional, two papers inside it and the other paper is of such type. The third paper consists of English (English) and regional language paper. Like the traditional exam, Main Paper B is a qualifying paper. Only after passing this exam, the candidate can get a chance to appear in the interview. Each paper is of district type carrying 250 250 marks.
- Interview (Interview) – The merit list is prepared by combining both the marks of 7 papers of main examination and interview. The interview carries 275 (275) marks. Overall, there is a paper of 2025 (2025) marks.
Knowledge of current affairs and general awarenessis very important for UP SC exam. 30 to 40 questions come in at least onepaper of Current Affairs and General Knowledge. For the preparation ofthese questions, it is necessary for us to read news and magazines daily.
UPSC Prelims Exam Pattern
General Studies I
No. of questions | 100 |
Total Marks | 200 |
Time | 2 Hrs |
Negative marks | Yes (One Third) |
Paper Type | Objective Type |
General Studies II (CSAT)
No. of questions | 80 |
Total Marks | 200 |
Time | 2 Hrs. |
Negative marks | Yes (One Third) |
Paper Type | Objective Type |
UPSC Mains Exam Pattern
Subject | total marks |
Paper A: Compulsory Indian Language | 300 |
Paper B: English | 300 |
Paper I: Essay | 250 |
Paper II: General Studies I. | 250 |
Paper III: General Studies II | 250 |
Paper IV: General Studies III | 250 |
Paper V: General Studies IV | 250 |
Paper VI: Optional I | 250 |
Paper VII: Optional II | 250 |
Post in UPSC?
Jobs are available in 24 services in UPSCCivil Services
1. Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
2. Indian Police Service (IPS)
3. Indian Forest Service (IFoS)
4. Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
5. Indian Information Service (IIS)
6. Indian Postal Service (IPoS)
7. Indian Revenue Service (IRS)
8. Indian Trade Service (ITS)
9. Railway Protection Force (RPF)
10. Pondicherry Civil Service (PCS)
11. Pondicherry Police Service (PPS)
12. Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Service (DANICS)
13. Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman Diu, Dadra NagarHaveli Police Service (DANIPS)
14. Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IAAS)
15. Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)
16. Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)
17 Indian Defense Estate Service (IDES)
18. Indian Defense Accounts Service (IDAS)
19. Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)
20. Indian Communication Finance Service (ICFS)
21. Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)
22. Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)
23. Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)
24. Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (AFHCS)
IAS preparation without coaching
IAS exam is a very important exam in our country,for which students often prefer UPSC coaching. By taking coaching, they feel that they will easily clear thisexam. But to pass this exam in true sense, not coaching but a goal settingwith time limit and hard work including patience and perseverance, etc. isneeded only after which this exam can be passed. At the same time, for thepreparation of IAS exam, the student has more faith in UPSC coachingin indore, so he considers joining the most expensive IAS coachingh of the city as the first thing to be successful. Whereas thisshould not be the first plan of an aspirant starting IAS preparation. IASpreparation can make you successful even by staying at home.
How to prepare for IAS at home?
Although one cannot fix the time limit for anyexam, but students can reach that deadline with 18 months of tirelesswork. Along with this, the candidate will have to keep a good eye oncurrent affairs and other current events. Because the goal of IAS exam canbe achieved only by passing three attempts, in which the first attempt, whichis called pre exam, consists of questions related to current affairs andsubject. Even if the student has 60 days left, it is not impossible to hitthe target with the right strategy and hard work.
How to prepare for IAS after 10th?
Although IPS exam cannot be givenafter 10th, but you can start preparing to become IAS from 10th itself byfollowing the tips given below.
- First of all, it is important to have complete information about the exam.
- Understand the syllabus coming in the exam.
- Gather strategy and study material.
- Study with concentration.
- Along with studies, writing is also important.
- Give mock tests again and again
- Read newspapers and magazines daily.
How to prepare for IAS after 12th
If you want to apply for civil service exam thenyou must have at least a bachelor's degree. There is no minimum percentagerequirement for this exam. That is, if you have done graduation then youcan sit in the exam. By the way, you can apply for this even at the timewhen you are in the final year.
Books for IAS preparation
- M. Laxmikant (Politics)
- Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania (Culture)
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong (Geography)
- Oxford School Atlas (Geography) by Oxford Publishers
- Indian Economy written by Ramesh Singh (Economy)
- Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir (Modern India)
online IAS coaching platform
By the way, there is a lot of online and offline coachingfor IAS, due to which many students who have studied havepassed this exam. But due to the Corona epidemic, the entire country iscurrently undergoing a lockdown period. In such a situation, we are goingto tell you about some of the best apps through which you can easily do online IAScoaching in Hindi medium sitting at home. Here are thebest UPSC online coaching apps.
1. SharmaAcademy App
Sharma Academy App is leading civil services examlearning platform for IAS, UPSC and MPPSC exam. It has exam wise sections forstudents. The notes for mains and pre exams are uploaded in app in PDF format.Chapter wise notes are available to learn you practice answer writing also bythis app. Current affairs notes is also good in this.
2. Civilsdaily
CivilsDaily Mobile App is leading the way for UPSC IASaspirants to provide the necessary study material to crack the UPSC IASExam. CivilsDaily Mobile App is known for current affairs and top newsupdates. Apart from this, CivilsDaily mobile app publishes newscards dailyand special attention is given to those points in the newscard which are veryimportant from the point of view of IAS exam. Dainik News Card is a newinitiative to provide daily current affairs topics to IAS aspirants.
3. IASbaba
The vision of IASbaba is - "To provideopportunities for IAS aspirants residing in remote places to get Rank 1 in UPSCIAS". IASbaba is an initiative in the field of education by alumni ofreputed Indian educational institutions like IITs/IIMs to motivate and help toconduct qualitative and smart studies for aspirants who aspire for prestigiousservices like IAS/IPS. IASbaba provides All India Rank in the mock testpresented by them which is an important part of IAS preparation. All IndiaRank infuses new energy in the IAS aspirants and provides the right directionto the preparation.
4. The Hindu
The Hindu is one of the leading newspaper of Indiawhich is considered special for the preparation of current affairs from thepoint of view of IAS exam. Often, IAS aspirants are advised to read TheHindu newspaper daily. Mobile App of The Hindu is also available which an IASaspirant can easily use while preparing for the IAS Exam. The credibilityof the news and information given in The Hindu is much higher than any otherdaily newspaper in the country for IAS preparation. IAS aspirants mustread editorials from The Hindu newspaper on other important areas like Science,Technology, Environment and Health on daily basis.
This article teaches you how toprepare for UPSC. Study hard and diligently toprepare. Studying is a very important part of life. It is a weapon tochange the world. Our experts at Sharma Academy thus guide you on the rightdirection, process, and preparation for UPSC, and prepare you for a wonderfulcareer.