
How Do You Calculate SAT Score | Turito Blog
SAT score is the one-step aspect that determines college admissions and the career ahead. There is a bit of confusion when it comes to understanding SAT scores to understand which is the right college to apply to and evaluate whether it is a good result to go. The College Board has specific principles that they follow in evaluating the SAT score and zeroing into the final number. Here are those steps that would help to understand how the scores are calculated:
1.Get to know your Raw Scores: The raw score is the number of questions you have answered correctly in the totality of the exam. The students need to note two important aspects regarding this:
- One mark will be awarded for every correct answer given
- There is no negative marking for the wrong answer
The overall raw score differs by each section and is dependent on the individual sections such as Reading and Math. For example, if the reading test has 52 questions, the maximum raw score one can get is 52. There are 58 questions in Math and 44 multiple choice questions for writing.
The essay section is additionally graded on a scale of 2-8. It is to be noted that the essay section is optional that the student can either choose or omit.
The essay score is not added to the SAT composite score that is for 1600.
2.Know the way of converting raw score to composite score: Using a table, the raw scores can be easily converted into the composite score