
The Clinical Establishments Act, the act of the Parliament of India, seeks to regulate clinical establishments in India. The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Bill, 2010 got introduced first in the Lok Sabha on April 15, 2010.
Introduced by Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, who was the Minister of Health and Family Welfare. The Lok Sabha passed the Bill, and the Act focuses on the clinical establishments in India to register themselves.
With that, it further provides standard guidelines for treating common diseases and conditions. The Act is not directly liable or applicable in all the states, and it is only for the states to choose to pass the resolution to adopt the bill or give another similar account.
What does the Clinical Establishment Act consider?
The Clinical Establishment Act 2010 talks about Radiation Protection, Poison & Hazardous Substances, Occupational Health and Accident Prevention. And it also discusses the promulgation of legislation for health facilities & services, Mental Health, Smoking/Tobacco Control, Social Security & Health Insurance.
It looks after Environmental Protection, Nutrition, disease control & medical care, human power, Ethics and Patients Rights. Furthermore, it controls the overall health and wellbeing by focusing on Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Elderly, Disabled & Rehabilitation families, Women and Child Health.
What is the objective of the Act?
The act speaks about the mandatory registration of all clinical establishments. And the clinical establishment precisely includes diagnostic centers and single-doctor clinics in the public and private sectors. But, from the act, those medical clinics are run by the defense forces. The registering authority is in charge of facilitating policy formulation, resource allocation, and looking out for standards of treatment.
If anyone does not comply with the provision, they are also seeking fines and penalties for the same. For common disease conditions, the act talks about a standard treatment. And this traditional treatment plan is decided through a core committee of experts, which the government forms.
What Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act Holds?
There is a strict responsibility of the state to focus on an improved healthcare system. And, this gets declared as the responsibility under Article 47 of the constitution. It is the primary duty to focus on the citizen's health. This act brought about the prohibition of the consumption of anything intoxicating. But the exception is for medicinal purposes to consume drinks and drugs that are harmful to health.
For that very reason, the Government of India enacted the Clinical Establishment Act 2010. The objective is to focus on the responsibility of health and provide the registration and regulation of clinical establishments in India.
The Act defines "Clinical Establishment", which includes hospitals, maternity homes, nursing homes, dispensaries, clinics. Or any other name that offers the diagnosis, treatment or care for illness, injury, or is a part of the establishment in connection with the diagnosis or treatment of certain diseases. It also controls and speaks about any clinical establishment owned and managed by the government.
The Procedure:
Section 11 of the Act speaks about mandatory registration. And that no establishment, unless it duly registered according to the Act’s provisions, should be active for the public.
The Government of India and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 2 brought to light the registration of the Clinical Establishments format. The establishments must offer some information about their clinic in detail. For example, it talks about types of service, systems of medicine, etc.
Now, you know the clinical establishment act and what it holds, and you have also understood the mandatory requirement for clinical establishments to register. Now that you know enough, it is clear what is expected from clinics.