
Education And Brain Growth For The Child’s Development
Education And Brain Growth For The Child’s Development
Various bodily and mental processes are managed by the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Schools and colleges have a history of favouring left-brained learning over right-brained learning. Left-brain influencing academic subjects promote accuracy, logical thought, and analysis. Maths, science, language, and computer science are some of these subjects.
Aesthetics, emotions, and creativity are brought out by subjects that affect the right brain. Arts, music, sports, theatre, social sciences, and drama are some of these subjects. While right-brain users take risks, are creative, and concentrate on the future, left-brain users play it safe, are logical, and do so.
The majority of people learn best in a variety of subject areas. Therefore, the proper combination of subjects taught in school helps students develop their personalities and ways of thinking.
The subjects that are taught actually aid in a child's development of a particular way of thinking, attitude, and personality. Lack of instruction in some subjects or a narrow focus on a few subject areas may lead to an imbalance.
Regarding instruction, teachers can increase the amount of right-brain learning activities in their classroom by combining activities that involve reading with patterning, metaphors, analogies, role-playing, visuals, play, and movement. In order to reward right-brained talent and encourage a more accurate evaluation of student learning centred on the whole brain, educators must create new forms of assessment.
Harvest International School is one of the most prominent CBSE and Best International school in Bangalore to offer the international Baccalaureate - Primary Years Programme (IB PYP)
It requires kids to all develop high levels of adaptability and resilience and to set an example for our students in doing so. As one of the Best International School in Bangalore, Harvest International School will continue to adhere to this requirement and uphold the highest standards for all students and staff.
Harvest international school aspires to rank among the best international school in Bangalore for producing informed, valiant, independent, and compassionate citizens of the world. Our school is an inclusive environment that welcomes students and families from all backgrounds. We provide exceptional facilities and tools for learning, allowing students to be bold and creative.