Communications Essay Tips | Acemyhomework Writers
Communications Essay Tips  | Acemyhomework Writers
INFA 660- The Law, Regulation, and Ethics of IA Policy Drafting Emerging technologies present new opportunities and risks to our society. For example, the

Acemyhomework Writers | Communications Essay | Acemyhomework Writers

INFA 660- The Law, Regulation, andEthics of IA

Policy Drafting

Emerging technologies present newopportunities and risks to our society. For example, the Internet of Things(IoT) permits innumerable devices to connect and share data. This permitsoperations to be remotely monitored and may jeopardize the privacy ofindividuals.  Also, artificial Intelligence(AI) is a technology where intelligent machines and decision algorithms havebeen developed and refined with little public discussion, debate andoversight.  Another emerging technologyis the autonomous vehicle that relieves human drivers’ countless decisions, butalso creates dependencies on inadequately vetted automatic actions.  These technologies, and possibly more,provide significant opportunities for modernization while illuminating realethical and legal challenges.  Each raisesecurity concerns highlighting the need for policy guidance.

The paper is designed to explore thecurrent state and direction of an emerging technology, to identify keysecurity, legal and ethical issues, and to articulate and explain keyprinciples that must be incorporated in public policy to guide and protect ouruse of the technology.  The explorationof policy principles should also consider who could/should issue such neededpolicy.

The paper should contain:

-9-12 Pages, Double-spaced, (DO not exceed 12 pages)

-Include – Title Page, Table of Contents and ReferenceList (No Abstract is needed)

-A description of the technology and itsdirection

-A presentation of the security, legal andethical issues involved with the technology as well as the benefits it offers

-An exploration of what policy is needed, whois the best source for such policy (government, industry, ?), high-levelguidance/direction for what the policy should contain – to includeidentification of necessary basic principles The author determines thestructure of the paper. 

-A Table of Contents and section headingsshould improve the readability of the paper. 

-An expectation is that about a third of thepaper will address the technology, its benefits and issues, and at least athird will present policy recommendations.

It is important to clearly identifythe technology.  You may choose toaddress the Internet of Things (IoT), selecting a limited focus (home,medicine, etc.).  You may choose to exploreautonomous or self-driving vehicles.  Youmay choose some facet of artificial intelligence or the use of algorithmicdecision-making. You may choose to address robots.  It is strongly recommended that studentsprovide a one paragraph description of their paper focus.

Students are expected to write at thegraduate (professional) level and to comply with the format requirements of thePublication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition.Careful attention should be given to spelling, punctuation, source citations,references, and the presentation of tables and figures.

It is expected that all course work will bepresented on time and error free. Be sure to include the certificationstatement:

“This paper or presentation is my ownwork. Any assistance I received in its preparation is acknowledged within thepaper or presentation, in accordance with academic practice. If I used data,ideas, words, diagrams, pictures, or other information from any source, I havecited the sources fully and completely in footnotes and bibliography entries.This includes sources which I have quoted or paraphrased. Furthermore, Icertify that this paper or presentation was prepared by me specifically forthis class and has not been submitted, in whole or in part, to any other classin this University or elsewhere, or used for any purpose other than satisfyingthe requirements of this class, except that I am allowed to submit the paper orpresentation to a professional publication, peer reviewed journal, orprofessional conference. In adding my name following the word ‘Signature’, Iintend that this certification will have the same authority and authenticity asa document executed with my hand-written signature.

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Acemyhomework Writers | Communications Essay | Acemyhomework Writers