
Best Boarding Schools in Bangalore
Join Top and Best Day Boarding Schools in Bangalore, India which has excellent student facilities, well-equipped classrooms and environment friendly campus.
Jain Heritage School (JHS) is one of the Top and Best Day Boarding School in Bangalore which has well-ventilated, spacious and aesthetically designed staff rooms, air-conditioned AV rooms and well-equipped classrooms with E- Boards and Audio Visual learning aids.
Well lit and adequately equipped classrooms enhance the environment for learning. The activities in the classrooms will happen in the areas defined by the students themselves. An informal or grouped seating arrangement adds value to their discussions and sharing of ideas.
Learning Resource Centre
The library maintains a supportive and nurturing environment in building the knowledge bank of students. The library contains books, CD- ROMS, DVDs that cover panoramic spectrum of subjects to satisfy the urge to learn and curiosity that is so natural to the child. The print and media collections are also designed to support the curriculum. However we also understand that recreational reading and viewing are very much a part of the school life. The librarian at the learning resource centre actively engages the pupils through a stimulating environment to support extended classroom learning for better ideation and imagination.
Manipulative Learning Centre
Mathematical skills is an essential requirement in the modern world and we aim to help our children enjoy the subject and develop confidence in their ability to use it in a range of different settings. Our children spend at least one hour per day working at this centre using the Numeric Strategy. Puzzles and brain teasers help the children understand the concepts of time, space, shape, money, measures, algebra, and graphical representation.
Discovery Zones
The discovery zone is a unique learning space that is designed to arouse curiosity, stimulate creativity and promote enquiry in students. It is a centre equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography and Environmental Sciences. Many concepts that are taught in the classroom are reinforced in various ways at the discovery zone. For example, planting a sapling can be an activity conducted in small student groups. This experiment encourages students to develop scientific skills of observation, predicting, inferring and recording information as they study the effects of water, soil and sunlight on growing plants. The information gathered can be recorded, analyzed and circulated to the other student groups.
Arts and Fine Arts Studio
We believe that our students should have as much exposure as possible to their cultural heritage. An opportunity to develop their talents in a creative atmosphere is provided through the study of art, music, drama and speech. JHS has constructed the Arts and Fine Arts studio that enables the students to find a new meaning of expression in a creative environment that challenges them to develop their artistic senses.
Informatics Lab
The Top Day Boarding school has a well resourced informatics lab linked through a dedicated hi-speed internet connection. Children have access to the lab and work in a variety of ways, using word processing, data bases, graphic presentations, power point and desktop publishing. The use of digital cameras and videos, scanners and interactive whiteboards add to the children’s experiences.
English Language Development Centre
The English language Development centre is set up to offer an intensive English language training program that prepares student for academics success and their future careers and allows them to communicate confidently and effectively.
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