
Best Placement University
Overview, Objective& Trends
The Placements Department at JAIN (Deemed-to-be University)- Center for Management Studies works year-round in building relationships andnetworking with industry professionals from across multiple sectors.
JU - CMS Placements is dedicated to advising students oncareer options and providing them with the latest information on industryinternship and final placement opportunities. Apart from the facilitationservices, it also arranges for training, career development, and industryinteraction sessions.
The Department liaises with HR and industry experts &assists graduating students in securing positions in leading national andinternational corporations.
CMS Corporate BBA Program believes in the importance ofgiving its students extensive corporate exposure alongside invaluable academicinputs to ensure their holistic development. The semester wise internships andextensive corporate interface ensure this perfect mix of business acumen andacademic intellect.
We ensure that students emerge from JU-CMS as a seasonedprofessional ready to meet the challenges in the world of business.
The Objective of thePlacement Department
Create awareness among students regarding available careeroptions.
Assist them in identifying their career objectives.
Guide the students in developing skills and job-searchstrategies.
Identify suitable potential employers and help them achievetheir hiring goals.
Organize activities concerning career planning.
Act as a bridge between students, alumni, and employers.
Placement Trends
JU-CMS offers you the services of the Placement Cell thatsupports with excellent internship & Placement opportunities, best suitedto your individual skills and career interests.
The Traineeship Advantage of BBA Program will empower youwith a head start in your career and to obtain a secure placement at the end ofyour program.
The Business education integrated model at JU CMS bridgesthe gap between theory and practice that most professionally trained managersconfront.
The ultimate objective of the Placement department is aboutgiving students the skills, confidence, and network needed to launch andsucceed in the chosen career.
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