
BBA Hons Colleges in Bangalore
Bachelor of BusinessAdministration- BBA (Honors)
Whilst many BBA programs cater to impart business knowledge,a program with high academic rigor and project-centric learning throughout ascholar’s University years is much required. Learners who aim for thoroughacademic excellence coupled with practical know-how from day one would prefer aBBA (Honors) program.
The specialty of the Honors course and the BBA Hons Subjectsis that it offers a variety of specialization domains instead of an overview ofall domains. The students can opt to get into a particular domain under themanagement spectrum and will be trained in both theoretical knowledge on thesubject and in the practical application of the subject.
BBA (Hons) is a 3-year degree that imparts management skillsand knowledge in aspirants. The course aims at developing the basic businessdevelopment knowledge and skill base that is requisite for a bachelor’s levelstudents by utilizing various subjects of study and their related practicalapplicability.
· The curriculum is designed to impart industry-specificknowledge as well as academic soundness to the students.
· The course focuses on building young businessexperts and administrators who can meet industrial/job market needs with thesound application of their knowledge base.
· The course is divided into severalspecializations. These specializations pertain to different aspects of businesslike marketing, finance, human resource, and entrepreneurship.
· By pursuing the course, students gain anin-depth insight into how a business grows in its initial stage.
· The course curriculum is divided into6semesters.
· Students will have to pursue 3months ofproject-centric Learning all semester.
· Internship opportunities from semester oneonwards.
In India, not many academic institutions impart the BBAHonors program. However, there is a need to create a rigorous learningenvironment both knowledge and skill-based for ambitious minds. Those who wantto be corporate ready not just in India but globally. The students who desireto be in the top 1 % of the placement opportunity.
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