Acemyhomework Writers | Book Critique | Acemyhomework Writers
Acemyhomework Writers | Book Critique | Acemyhomework Writers
Book Critique Book critique should answer the following questions/statements in response to Beverly Tatum’s book, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting

Acemyhomework Writers | Book Critique | Acemyhomework Writers

Book Critique

Book critique should answerthe following questions/statements in response to Beverly Tatum’s book, Why AreAll the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? Your responses must be inparagraph form. 1. What is the author’s major thesis? 2. Do you feel that theauthor is effective in support of his thesis? Why or Why not? 3. Whichtheoretical perspective in sociology is best reflected in the book? 4. Arethere any biases in the book? 5. Is there anything that you disagreed with? Whyor Why not? 6. Your comments, opinions, etc.


*Doyou feel the author is effect in support of his thesis? Here, you need toexplain whether or not you believed the author effectively supported histhesis. Effectively buttress your position with a supporting quote or two.Thoroughly explain yourself in this paragraph. *Which theoretical perspectiveis best reflected? Here, you state, based on the examples provided on theformat sheet, which sociological perspective you believe the author is speakingfrom. Use the definitions provided of each perspective and explain yourselfthoroughly with examples. It is possible to assert that the author is speakingfrom more than one perspective. This is okay. Just support your position(s)with information from the text. *Are there any biases? What I mean by “bias” isdoes the author make an assertion (e.g., the criminal justice system is racist)without presenting data or research to back up the claim. If according to thedefinition of “bias” you believe the author is biased, use quotes to support thisposition with a thorough explanation. If you believe the author is not biased,give some examples of information that he presents that is non-biased. Remembermy definition of “bias.” *Is there anything you disagreed with? Here, state ifyou disagreed with anything. Give succinct examples and thoroughly explainyourself. If you agreed with everything, provide several examples ofinformation/data that you agreed with. *Your comments, opinion, etc. Here, yougive your thorough assessment of the book, and I do mean thorough. ******I willstrictly follow the above guidelines/format in grading your paper. Remember tocite at least one idea when answering each question. Attention: 1. Format:Double-spaced pages in Times New Roman 12-points font with 1-inch margins. Putyour name at the left top corner and page number at the right top corner. Nocover page is needed. NO extra space between title and the main text.Acceptable formats should be submitted in Microsoft Words, Mac Pages, or GoogleOpen Word Document. 2. Plagiarized assignment may receive zero on theassignment. The assignment will be examined by Blackboard Safe Assign functionfor plagiarism. DO NOT QUOTE content from the book but paraphrase it withcitations. 3. It is highly recommended that you may incorporate some majorsociological theoretical perspectives in your book critique. 4. Sample bookcritique attached in the syllabus is for a different book (Colorblind: the riseof post-racial politics and the retreat from racial equity). It is NOT the assignedbook so the attached book critique is just an example for your references.

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