
With the monsoon showers knocking on our doors, our craving to have oily, fried & spicy foods like pakodas, pani-puri and vada-paav increases which often leads to digestive problems like acidity, flatulence, indigestion and diarrhoea. During this season, water can also be a host to bacteria that can cause severe stomach infections and diseases. Therefore, we should take extra caution to keep our gut disease-free.
In Ayurveda, ritucharya (seasonal routine) is defined for each season. It helps our body adapt to the changing climatic conditions without getting ill or infected. During the monsoon season (varsha ritu), vata dosha gets aggravated in the body causing weak digestion, acidity and poor immunity. Indigestion leads to the accumulation of toxic waste products and foods in the body in the form of ama (toxins) which further becomes a causative factor for various illnesses in the body. With the help of Ayurveda, you can prevent this ama (toxin) formation and prevent digestive problems from occurring in the first place. Below mentioned are a few tips.
Tips to avoid digestive problems during monsoon
- Avoiding eating raw, uncooked, oily & spicy food. Also, avoid eating street food during monsoon as the food is kept in the open for a long time which leads to bacterial infection that makes food unfit for consumption. Eat only fresh, warm, well-cooked food made at home and maintain hygiene while cooking.
- Foods made from barley, rice and wheat are good to consume during this season. Include A2 cow ghee, green gram and lentils in your daily diet. You can make vegetable soups or moong daal soup at home for regular consumption as they are easy to make & digest and boost immunity. They also help in flushing out toxins from the body.
- Chew a small piece of ginger with rock salt before meals to keep the digestive juices flowing.
- Consuming bitter-tasting vegetables and herbs like karela (bitter gourd), neem, fenugreek seeds and haldi (turmeric) can help keep the infections & other illnesses associated with Pitta at bay.
- Drink boiled water. Try to drink as much fluids as you can. Have buttermilk instead of curd. You can have tulsi tea or green tea as they have healing properties. Try caffeine-free Jiva Ayurvedic Tea. It helps improve digestion & metabolism & ward off several diseases and infections.
- Do not sleep during the day, it makes you lethargic and digestion takes time.
- Keep your house clean and don’t let the mosquitoes breed. Use fumes of fried neem leaves as a mosquito repellent.
- To combat indigestion, you can keep Jiva Aam Pachak Churna and Jiva DigestAll Churna at home. They act as natural Digestive Medicine and can be taken for various digestive troubles. Jiva DigestAll Churna combines the goodness of natural ingredients like anardana, black cardamom, jeera (cumin seeds), nimboo sat (citric acid), and dalchini (cinnamon) and helps treat a wide range of problems like diarrhoea, flatulence, and constipation. Jiva Aam Pachak Churna eases abdominal discomforts caused by weak digestion or other problems of the digestive system.
- Ayurveda suggests Panchakarma treatment & therapy during monsoon as this season is considered to be one of the best times to undergo detoxification. The five-fold healing process helps remove toxins from the body. These toxins give rise to various illnesses in the body. This process should be done under the guidance of a professional.
Following these simple healthy tips will help you limit your exposure to many germs that may give rise to stomach infections and prevent digestive trouble. If you feel your stomach problem is persistent and causing discomfort, you can consult our Jiva doctors over a telephone call, online ayurvedic consultation on video, or visit Jiva Ayurveda Clinic near you. Our doctors suggest root-cause-based, personalized treatment including natural Ayurvedic medicine for digestion problem and a customized diet and lifestyle plan.