
There are different exams conducted by the Institute for Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), such as PO Exam, Clerk Exam, RRB Exam and Professional Officer Exam. These exams are aimed at filling various positions in banks and institutions participating in IBPS.
Review Process
There are two levels in the IBPS exam. There are two levels of the Common Written Test (CWE) and the Interview. Participants who pass the regular written exam will be eligible for an interview. For IBPS & PO Clerk exam, there are Preliminary and Main exams and qualified candidates in pre-qualification will be eligible for the main exam and then interview.
General Writing Test (CWE)
For the IBPS PO/Clerical exam, there is a Preliminary exam and the Main Exam. The IBPS pre-test is divided into three parts - Reasoning for 35 points, English for 30 points and Quantitative Aptitude for 35 points. Duration is 1 hour.
The total score for the Main Exam is 200. The estimated time is 2 / 2.5 hours. Subjects include Reasoning, Common Sense, English Language/Hindi, Quantitative Competency/Number Abilities, Computer Knowledge, Job Knowledge.
Reasoning is a very important subject and it plays an important role in any banking exam. The reasoning is scoring, so if you prepare well, you can raise your score through this topic. Topics to focus on are strings, analogy, coding, problem-solving, segmentation, comprehension, and more.
General culture
General knowledge is extremely important for any competition and so is for banking exams. You have to keep up to date with daily happenings and activities in India and the world, you have to read newspapers every day and this effort will help you cover most of your GK.
Focus on the latest developments in the banking and finance industry. News is what to focus on. Focus on last year's developments in the economy, marketing, sport, constitution of India, banking and finance, agriculture etc.
You can choose English or Hindi depending on your background feed. Since English is a global language, judges want to check your knowledge of English and your performance on this topic. You must have good adhesion on the tongue. Candidates must have a good command of the English theme, while they cannot mark the rest of the candidates. English is an important topic in any test. You need to focus on understanding, gender, paragraph, idiom and expression, tracking error.
Advantages of the training centre
Coaching centres present online exercise simulations that help candidates tackle the question faster. He prepares candidates by taking regular exams and advises them on how to use techniques and quick tips to solve problems. Reputable and well-trained academies provide effective potions in the form of hints and hints to solve troublesome problems within a limited time. It becomes easier to identify the critical issue if a candidate is from an informal school.
Aspirants can also take an online banking course in a professional banking academy, which is also very helpful for students. Holding the exam for three to four people allows candidates to find new approaches and quick instruction.