
Here are my top five tips for creating great content:
Rule #1:
Start with valuable information and then ask questions. When developing new ideas, any content marketer should, first of all, write down everything that he wants to say. Once you have completed the outline of your future material, you can start asking questions such as what/why/how, problem/opportunities/limitations, solution/alternative/opposite, and comparison/differences. Ask yourself questions about why a particular solution will be effective in your company in terms of solving existing problems and meeting customer needs. In addition, one must ask what obstacles may arise when imposing an ideal work scenario on objective reality. With all this information, you will gain valuable insights that will enable you to improve your marketing strategy.
Rule #2:
Use visual content. Images allow you to convey information more effectively than any words. The power of visual elements cannot be underestimated. Be sure to accompany all text materials with images so that readers always understand what is required of them. Also, track which of your blog posts are most shared by users on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, YouTube, etc. These statistics will help you determine which visuals are performing best and which ones need to be improved.
Rule #3:
Use calls to action. The most annoying mistake that online businesses can make is not including call-to-action (CTA) elements in their content marketing strategy. When a reader doesn't know where to click after reading the material, they are more likely to leave your site as soon as possible once and for all. When creating any piece of your material, you need to think first of all about your readers, placing clear elements with calls to action throughout the document, wherever necessary.
Rule #4:
Wherever possible, add interactive elements. No one likes to wait for a site to complete all its tasks and load all the content. The meaning of this our rule is very simple - wherever possible, add interactive features and elements! These may include polls, interaction video, games, quizzes, online chat rooms, audio players, and the like. If people can't directly interact with your site, then they won't come back to you.
Rule #5:
Build relationships with potential customers using social media at a strategic scale. Publishing news on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter does not require any special skills and takes only a few minutes a day. And while regular posting can sometimes feel like a boring process, there are ways to make each post more valuable by linking to an important page on your site or by asking readers to share their thoughts on a given topic. Even if no one responds to such a call, remember that every interaction matters. By chatting with people online, you form relationships that will later lead to increased traffic coming from referrals.
Starting now to follow these rules, you will soon feel the result. Just don't wait for a miracle and an instant jackpot. Building credibility and trust takes time and continuous, consistent effort over many years. Nobody can achieve success overnight. However, by continuously following the rules described above, you can achieve the status of an expert in your economic niche.
What are the types of interactive content?
There are interactive tools that you can use to engage your online audience, but not everyone is familiar with all of them.