Ways to improve your SEO with the help of a Los Angeles SEO Agency even before your Website is Launched
Ways to improve your SEO with the help of a Los Angeles SEO Agency even before your Website is Launched
If you are planning to launch a website, or you are trying to look for ways to attract more traffic to your website, then you must have already heard of search engine optimization and its importance. SEO is the most practical and sustainable way of connecting with your target audience in the long run.

If you are planning to launch a website, or you are trying to look for ways to attract more traffic to your website, then you must have already heard of search engine optimization and its importance. SEO is the most practical and sustainable way of connecting with your target audience in the long run.

This is usually done by editing website content and publishing fresh content with the right keywords to improve rankings. Apart from this, search engines today also take into consideration the user experience provided by your website. Hiring a Web Design Company in Los Angeles can help you in enhancing your website’s overall user experience. 

Website Pre-Launch SEO strategies that you Must know about 

Many people assume that SEO is all about optimizing your website once it is live. However, there are some pre-launch SEO strategies that can help you launch your website on the right foot. When you focus on SEO even before the website is launched, you can rest assured that your life will be much easier in the long run.

Moreover, it is quite well known that SEO takes some time to produce results. But making use of certain pre-launch SEO techniques with the help of your SEO Company in Los Angeles will help you in attracting more customers, and boost your revenue quicker. 

The following SEO tips are to be used by businesses before the launch of their website. These aspects should be taken into consideration before the site goes live. As you may already know, making changes to a project after it has been completed is much more difficult than making changes while it is in the process.

Similarly, once your website goes live and starts having visitors, it becomes extremely difficult to make any changes. So if you are in the process of building a website, the following are some SEO tips that can be helpful for you:

1.     Create a Live Domain 

Search engines start crawling and ranking websites as soon as they are launched. Thus, older sites tend to perform much better in terms of attracting organic traffic. Hence, it is advisable to set up your domain and/or homepage with some placeholder content or a ‘coming soon’ message. This will help your site in building a reputation and get a jump start on SEO even before the website is launched. However, this is not an extremely beneficial strategy and is only an option. But there is definitely no downside to making use of this strategy.

2.     Solidify the Structure of the Website 

Site structure and navigation are some of the most important SEO elements. There is no doubt that every business owner will think about the structure and navigation of their website. However, it is important to think about them from the point of view of future SEO implications. After all, search engines are dependent on the structure of the site for figuring out which content is important and then decide rankings accordingly.

Creating a website with simple navigation is much more ideal for indexing. Companies that provide SEO services in Los Angeles will agree that simple navigation is one of the important aspects of improving your rank. 

3.     Structure of the URL 

URLs do not affect your SEO directly. However, the way your site’s content management system handles URLs will play a crucial role in indexing and largely affect the way search engines understand your website. This is another important aspect that you must pay attention to before the launch of your website, as changing URLs later is not an easy task. A Los Angeles SEO Agency can guide you to create an URL that helps with your SEO. 


Lastly, make sure to pay attention to keyword research even before your website is live. Many people assume that keyword research is only done once a website is live. However, a more reliable strategy would be to focus on SEO even when your website is launched and build content from the ground up that makes it easier for your target audience to find you.