If you are looking for How To Refill 288 ink Cartridge, these are manufactured by third party companies and they can be found at a fraction of the price of genuine Epson ink cartridges.
You'll need to reset the chip in your Epson printer if it keeps telling you that your ink cartridge is empty even after you've replaced it. There is frequently some ink left in the "empty" cartridge even if you didn't replace it; however, you can only use it if you reset the chip. This blog demonstrates How To Refill 288 ink Cartridge chip using paperclips, a cartridge chip reset tool, or a different cartridge's chip.
Using A Tool To Reset The Cartridge Chips
- Get the proper instrument to reset the cartridge chip. A plastic tool with pins called a cartridge reset tool can reset the chip within your cartridge by inserting it into the pinholes on the cartridge. Your cartridge's holes, which are located on the bottom or side edge, must match up with the pins on the Epson 288 ink Refill tool. The number and placement of pin holes vary between cartridge models. Search online for "Epson cartridge chip reset tool" and the precise model of your printer to obtain the appropriate chip reset tool (e.g., WT-7620).
- The majority of cartridges have clusters of 7 or 9 pinholes. Before making a purchase, check a photo of the pins on the reset tool against the quantity and configuration of pinholes on the bottom of your print cartridge.
- Look for a small green microchip someplace on the cartridge if you don't see a cluster of pinholes; it will either have one single pinhole just above or below it or two round metal contacts at the top or bottom.
- [1] See the Using a Paperclip approach in this situation.
- Chip reset tools labelled as "universal" are NOT universal for all versions; some tools have 7 pins while others have 9.
- Take out your Epson printer's empty ink cartridge.
- Align the ink cartridge with the markings on the chip reset tool's base. The distinctive shapes of each chip reset tool allow it to fit ink cartridges from various Epson printer models.
- Firmly insert the reset tool's pins into the contact holes in the chip. To show that a connection is being formed, the LED on the cartridge tool may flicker repeatedly. Depending on the reset tool you bought,
- When the LED becomes green, take out the chip reset tool. You can detach the reset tool after the light on it turns solid. Now that it has been reset, your Epson ink cartridge chip is ready for usage.
The use of a paperclip
- Find the contacts or pinholes on your cartridge. If the tiny green microchip on the bottom or side of the cartridge has a single pinhole, you can use a paper clip to reset it. You'll actually need two paperclips if the chip has two rounded metal contacts at the top or bottom. See this technique if you have a cluster of 7–9 pinholes instead.
- Straighten out a paperclip or two. The ideal paperclip should be approximately an inch or so long and rather straight so that it can be inserted into the contact hole with ease (or two paperclips, if you have dual metal contacts on your cartridge).
- Reset a single-pinhole cartridge. Put the paperclip's tip through the pinhole. After a brief period of gentle pressure where the pin lays flat against the interior metal contact, release the pressure and take out the paperclip. Your cartridge should reset as a result.
- A cartridge with two metal contacts can be reset. To use the two paperclips simultaneously, place the cartridge on a flat surface with the chip pointing upward. You will need both hands for this. Next, simultaneously press the extended paperclip ends against the two metal contacts. The cartridge chip will reset if you press metal firmly against the contacts for a short period of time.
Exchange of Cartridge Chips
- Take out your Epson printer's colour and black ink cartridges. In an emergency, you can take the chip out of your other cartridge and put it into the one that reads "empty" if you've run out of either colour or black ink. By doing this, you can make the "empty" cartridge believe it has the same amount of ink as the other cartridge.
- This will only function if the other cartridge's chip does not also have no ink.
- You can alternatively utilise a chip from a different cartridge that is compatible with your model.
- Remove the chips from each cartridge using a single-sided razor blade. For the majority of devices, you'll accomplish this by carefully removing the chip from the cartridge by slipping the razor edge beneath it. For some models, trimming the excess plastic from the top post of the ink cartridge, which holds the chip in place, is necessary first. If you put the same chip back into the same cartridge, the chip will not reset, so be sure to keep note of which chip originated from which cartridge.
- Add the fresh chips to each cartridge in step three. The chips will just snap back into place. Based on how much ink is present in the other cartridge, this will deceive your printer into believing the empty cartridge is now full.
- Reinstall the two ink cartridges in your Epson printer. After replacing the cartridges, push the ink change button on your printer if it has one. If not, wait until the printer scans the "new" ink levels and identifies them, which could take up to 90 seconds. Once the printer is ready, hit the Ink Change button once again before moving on.
- Take out the printer's two ink cartridges. You will now put the original chips back into each cartridge to make sure that they both report as having the same amount of ink.
- Switch the chips around so they are all back in their original cartridges.
- Place the cartridges back in. Press the ink-change button once more if you have one. If not, give the printer another 90 seconds or so to identify the cartridges and record the ink levels. The ink levels in the black and colour ink cartridges are now equal, and you can use more of the empty cartridge than Epson had previously recommended.
References: How to refill epson ink cartridges