
An initial coin offering (ICO) is a crowdfunding approach by which funds are raised by selling crypto assets. ICOs are similar to IPOs. The only difference is that in an IPO shares of the company are issued to the investors for their monetary contribution, whereas in an ICO, tokens are issued which have a utility in the company’s product or service. The ICOs are far better and more effective when compared to conventional fundraising methods. There are not many restrictions on who can use ICO to raise funds. A potential crypto project can be listed on an ICO launchpad and showcased to the public to lure potential investors.
Stages involved in ICO Software Development:
The ICO launch Services require immense research and an ICO Token Development company will provide you with end-to-end service for your ICO launch. The following are the stages involved in an ICO launch and development process.
ICO Planning and Analysis
White-paper Drafting
ICO Website Design
Pre ICO marketing service
Token Development:
Smart contract development
ICO Launch
Post ICO marketing service
There are many potential businesses in the market which are struggling without the required investments to develop their business. If you have a potential business plan and are looking for a means to raise funds, you can employ an ICO Token Development Company and begin with your ICO process to raise desired funds for your business.