
In large facilities like shopping malls, airport, hospitals, etc. it becomes slightly tough to find the area of interest. Due to the complex structure orientation becomes difficult. Indoor positioning system comprises a network of devices like Beacons, Bluetooth, near field communication and others to find the way in the facilities. There are many factors like accuracy, budget, magnetic fields, radio wave signals, light, and others on which the installation of an indoor navigation system is decided. Nowadays, IPS has many advantages like:
Easy for the users
Indoor wayfinding becomes easy with the IPS. For moving from one place to another the user does not have to type the current location rather using the Indoor navigation system they can exactly find the destination. They do not have to count the doors and the turns to reach a particular place.
It saves time and money
Going to an unknown building there are chances of getting lost if we do not know the way to reach the destination. If we get lost, then our time is wasted. Also, in hospitals, it is beneficial for doctors to reach their patients. Patients can also find their ward with the help of an indoor positioning system. For the businesses, a seller wants that customers can easily find their shops and invest more time in shopping. IPS helps the customers to visit the shops directly. Hence, there is also an increase in sales.
It helps impaired people
Wireless Indoor Positioning system helps to save lots of time, money, and stress. Indoor navigation brings lots of benefits for the impaired community. IPS has given them the freedom to choose their path and explore the surroundings. Without asking the route from the people on the way, visually impaired or impaired people can find any location with the help of IPS.
Real-time insights
Using the IPS you will be able to track the activities of your customers. How they are moving around your venue. This will help you to know what’s good about your layout and what are improvisations, you need to implement to increase your sales. Hence, real-time observation is important to meet your target and improve ROI.
There are many possibilities of the Indoor Navigation System which we can apply in our lives to make it easier and simple.
UbiTrack is a well-known brand and is an integrated multi-dimensional indoor positioning solution, featuring high accuracy, flexibility and low cost. They are offering many IPS and other devices like Accurate Heart Rate Monitor Watch at affordable prices.