
Are you getting the error of 17099 in MS Outlook? Then no problem here is the solution to solve the problem easily.
Although the email client likes Outlook help in accessing local email accounts on the computer, there are several errors that often occur. One of the errors reported by Outlook (MAC) users is an email error code of 17099.
Root cause error of 17099:
- The error of an error when the SMTP server returns a temporary error or unexpected code.
- Errors can also occur when you try to send an email to a large email group and your ISP (internet service provider) has determined the number limit
The solution of error code 17099 in MS Outlook for Mac 2011:
- The solution resolves the problem by utilizing the Microsoft database utility. This utility will rebuild the database with the help of the following steps:
- Close all programs running on your PC.
- Press and continue holding the Options button and then open the Outlook 2011 program. It can also be done by opening the application folder >> MS Office 2011. Double-click on the Office folder and then again on MS Database Utility App.
- Choose a database, which must be managed by the utility and hit on the rebuild.
- Pop-up screen, which will display progress reports. When progress is complete, the statement displays i.e., your database is successfully rebuilt.
- Press the Finish button to update all changes made to improve the Outlook 2011/2016 error code 17099.
You can use our blog to solve the problem of error by visiting How to solve the Outlook error code 17099. If none of these steps help you to resolve the issue then contact our support Expert team
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