Here are several reasons why you cannot access our Googleaccount. In this article, we will talk about the most effective way to get yourGoogle account back. First, you must have a Google account to access featuredGoogle products and features. And with the help of a Google account, you canunblock any barriers that stand in your way while using Google. But sometimes,people can forget the password or somehow cannot access your account. Then theycan easily reset and recover the password just by following a few steps athttps // for help.
In simple words, it is easy to get your Gmail account backwhen you have access to the recovery essentials.
Recovering yourGoogle account via email / phone number
First of all go to https // / recovery for help andthen try to open your Gmail account, and when you enter your credentials thenhit Next.
Then click the I forgot my password link below the passwordfield.
In case you remember your last password, please enter thatpassword; otherwise, click on the "Try another way" link.
This will open up other options like getting theverification code if you have added your phone number as a security option.
Fill in the number completely and click the submit button.
Check your mobile phone device and enter the code youreceived from Google as recovery in the check box.
Click the verification button to verify the code, and thenenter your new password on the next page.
And if you haven't added your mobile number, try othermethods to verify and recover your account.
Click "Try another way" as explained above. Andthen you can choose to get the code in the email you have added.
You will receive a verification code in your email and thenyou can easily reset your password. In case it doesn't work, you can easily useHTTPS: // to get help and try other options.