
Readymade Urbanclap Clone
Finding the local specialists for home services and local services demand is large during this decade . Experts are required to effectively manage local services and home services .Hence venturing a reliable home services desires web site is suggested for the entrepreneurs to takeoverproject and find make use of our script to succeed in their online business .Simply set and utilize the facility of skilled specialists services listing website like Urbanclap or Housejoy or GOJEK. We've got developed specialists handling web site from the scratch with high customization options and advanced functionality . This UrbanclapClone script is very advanced and highly responsive .
Advanced Housejoy Clone script
This script is very useful for people who use service like Urbanclap Clone Script and will feel that scratch that imitates the freshness.User will realize services from search filter and look at class list, under it choose the any of the class and come to know about the details of local members services with details. Through Housejoy Script admin will customize classes and sub classes supported through the business model, as mentioned web site will be used for single native services or several other services like beauty services,saloon ,electrical work ,plumbing,etc . If you're keen on the services ofthe specialists that you wish to rent them with package list and date and time of the services handiness. Also,create payments to the service specialists with secured payment gateways. The script has user dashboard which helps one to manage the profile and details of various services obtained .This website can also be used by local service experts who are willing to take part in the services .They can become a professional by clicking the "become professional " button in our script .By providing valid details ,mobile number , name, city, category, email ID and password you'll be a part of service expert family and every one of them can join by getting approval from the admin of the web site. The joined professional can know about the timeand details of the services. With monthly or yearly set up skilled they can manage their subscription set up from the admin.
Moreover, clear admin dashboard will help to manage guests,users and skilled specialists. Salient options of admin dashboards ar graphicalviews of booking report, total range of user counts, sellers count, customercount, booking count, total services and additional. Admin will manage bookinghistory, services and sub services to edit or delete, unfinished withdrawal andcompleted withdrawal of payment transactions. Service specialist like GOJEK Clone Script have clear CMS pagesand admin will add and update the business profile details through settings.Content management system pages testimonials from various clients , severalpages and several other things related to the script .
Our reliable and secured site is integrated with PayPalpayment because the secure transaction to make sure of additive lead generation. As mentionedearlier through our HousejoyClone Script, we have a tendency to provide entrepreneurs with a business model to startout on-demand service listing web sitewith a financial method and various payment methods . If you discover anyqueries you can email us with your issues and we will resolve it with our teamof technical experts .