
AWS Solution Architect Professional Certification Process Details
If you have been struggling to get AWS professional certification, you must know about the entire process. Knowing about the process details is more than important so that you can prepare for the exam accordingly and give your best in the exam! Because it is the ultimate achievement to make your AWS domain expertise more credible, we are here to help you learn about the whole process. Without any further delay, let’s get into it and iron out the details about the AWS Solution Architect Professional Certification Process.
First of all, you need to know about the format of the exam so that you can prepare for it accordingly and manage to get maximum marks. AWS Solution Architect Professional Certification exam consists of multiple-choice questions in which you are given more than one option for a single question. You have to choose the right option from the given ones, and you will be awarded marks according to the number of right answers. You have to score 55% right answers in order to pass the exam, and if you couldn’t, you will have to retake the exam to get AWS Solution Architect Professional Certification.
Where to attempt exam?
The next thing that you have to know about is where you should attempt the exam. So, you can take the exam online and at selective test centres as well. Being a professional, it is always recommended then you opt for the physical exam because it will give you an opportunity to meet more developers and professionals of your rank. Meeting them will improve your confidence, and it will also grow your connection circle, which will help you in future. So, you should always opt for a physical exam if there is no solid reason for choosing online exam.
Bad news for the people of Korea, China, Japan and Slovenia is that the online exam system is not valid in these countries, and the professionals must have to opt for the physical exam. If you are choosing an online exam, you must be fluent in English enough to communicate with the proctor that is checking over you in the online test environment. Try to prepare the best so that you don’t have to face any troubles or embarrassment in the test centre or the online test sessions.
Time limit:
There is approximately 75-80 multiple choice question in AWS exam, and you have to attempt all in 180 minutes. Although this time limit is fixed, for now, there is some news that it will differ according to the content in future.
AWS Solution Architect Professional Certification cost:
Let’s not forget to talk about the total cost of this certification examination. If you are attempting for AWS Solution Architect Professional Certification, you will have to pay $300. Remember one thing that it is a one-time fee that you have to pay, and no other fee will be charged for the certification. Be careful while attempting the exam, because you have only one chance to clear the exam.