
When you decide to buy a car, it’s a package deal that you have to take care of everything related to the car. It actually becomes a responsibility to keep in mind about everything from the timely service to changing of tyres.
Yes, you read that right. You might have thought maintaining the tyres’ pressure is all you need to do, but actually you will be bound to change tyres when the time comes.But do you know when you have to change the tyres and in what circumstance you need to consider changing tyres?
Let’s dive into the topic, shall we?
First, establish why you need to change your tyres?
- The style of driving: When you decide to show off your skills about drifting you don’t really think if your tyre can take the pressure. And when you do drift, the time when you lock the wheels while holding on to breaks, it wears the tyres.
- Bad roads: You need to be really gentle while driving your car on bad roads.The ditches might look shallow but the damage it causes to the tyre when it turns out to be deep is unimaginable.
- Wheel alignment: Rotating your tyres for every long-distance drive is ideal to maintain its prolonged lifespan. Also, poor wheel alignment can cause wear in the tyres. The alignment is spoiled when you hit the deep dumps on the road or when you hit the curb while parking. This is why you need to take care of wheel alignment every 12 months.
- Pressure: You have to make sure that the pressure of the tyres is correct. It should not be overinflated nor should it be underinflated. Both the cases are dangerous and so keeping an eye on the pressure of the tyres is vital. An under inflated tyre can wear out on the outer side of the tyre, causing the car to use more fuel than required. Overinflated tyres start to wear off in the middle and this can cause problems while steering, braking, cornering, etc.
- Tread depth: Usually, the tyres come with small bars in between the grooves. If the wearing off gets to that extent, then you have to change your tyre. Those small bars are the indication that the tyres have to be changed.
- How old is too old?: There is no exact mention of the expiry date for tyres but, usually,every tyre needs to be changed after five years. The five years includes the rotating period as well. If you are still using the same tyres that are beyond five years, it’s hard to manage them on the road.
The above reasons are the answers to your “why”. Now let’s dive into under what circumstances you need to change the tyres?
- When you travel on bad roads and you notice a change in the vehicle while on normal roads. You know something doesn’t feel right when you drive your car. So change the tyres.
- The time you know that you haven’t changed your tyre like forever. It’s time for something new. Surely,you will feel good while you drive your car with the new tyres.
- You don’t have to change all your tyres. Change when you notice one of the tyres is not in a good condition,as well as you notices the wear on the side of the tyre.
- When you notice your car stops really near the car ahead of yours even when you hit the brakes at the right time. It means the tread of the tyres have worn off and your car is finding it difficult to get a good grip of the road. You have to consider changing your tyre in such cases.
- Overinflated tyres blow up on scorching hot roads during summers. It’s dangerous if you don’t keep an eye on the pressure of the tyres. Under-inflated tyres make your car look uneven or bending on one side of the road.
- Drive at a proper speed. You don’t need to speed up every time. Braking suddenly and spinning can cause the tyres to heat up and damage the treads.
- Just because it’s a four-wheeler doesn’t mean it can take any weight. You need to consider how much can your tyre take. If you are shifting houses and you use the car as transport of things, then make sure you are ready for a lot of trips. Do not overload the car to avoid making trips.
Bottom line
A car owner should love everything about their vehicle and understand what happens if they are reckless. Speed is thrilling but it’s not just dangerous for you, it’s also dangerous for your car.
Author Bio:
Hello everyone, I am Ariana Mortenson, a professional writer and blogger. I write on various niches in a way that it’s understandable and appealing to the people. I aim to achieve a difference through my writing which allows you to make informed and valuable choices.