
Remove the waste: chomp chips and other snacks items inside the car and leave the packets inside. not to litter on car seats and floor mats. Instead, carry a small bin bag and put all the waste things inside it.
Use vacuum cleaner: There are certain parts or sides of the car such as door panels, car seats, floor, dashboard, center console, and other areas that need to be clean through a vacuum cleaner.
Rub and clean the rigid surfaces: There are certain areas inside the car which are quite rough and hard due to which they become difficult in cleaning. Hence, it is advisable to rub properly and clean the surface to avoid any stain there. Wiping down after vacuuming helps to remove the rigid stain from the plastic and vinyl area. The experts apply the solvent in a circular motion using a soft clean cloth as they do Wax & Shine.
Rinse the floor mats: The floor mat is the dirtiest part inside your car because of the shoes you rub there, or the dust coming from different ways. They basically piled inside the tiny fibers of the mat and that’s why it needs thorough cleaning down there.
Use a good car conditioner: Your car interior need a good quality car conditioner or revitalizer that can beautifully polish and restore the shine. Leather seats especially need to take good care of and interior car conditioner help to make it soft, and supple.