
You Need A New Router If You See These Five Signs | Internet Plan
Are you dealing with slow WIFI these days? Have you thought about updating your router? Slow internet and weak WIFI signals are no less than a headache. So, put an end to this frustration. Throughout your home, your router manages all of your internet connections. Slow, outdated routers can expose your network to security risks.
But, the point is, how do you know when it's time to upgrade your router? Most of you do you even realize your router needs an update. So, identify when you encounter these signs. Here are five sure signs that it's time to upgrade your current router:
Your router is at least five years old
Your WIFI has a weak connection
You are renting it from your ISP
Your router gets heated up
Your internet speed is getting worse
- Your router is at least five years old:
Rapid changes in technology are common. With frequent router upgrades, you can take advantage of improved wireless speeds, range, and security. It's a smart thing to replace (or at least consider replacing) your old home networking equipment every five years. By doing this, you can stay up to date with technology and utilize each router to the fullest.
You might be looking for a cheap internet plan, but the problem may lie in your dated router. However, five-year-old routers can still be useful, especially if you don't use the internet very often.
- Your WIFI has a weak connection:
A router's sole purpose is to connect you to the Internet. Get a new router if it isn't working. Losing your internet connection and having difficulty logging on to the network are symptoms of connection issues. Therefore, an aging router is likely to have poor connectivity.
You can also experience problems with your internet connection due to loose cords, modem issues, and other things. Here are a few tips to identify the issue:
Check the lights on your router and modem first.
If all the lights are green, everything should be fine.
That means your problem is most likely a router issue.
- You are renting it from your ISP:
If renting a modem and a router saves your money in the long run, rent it for a while. But, this will not last for a long time. Buying your router is always the best option. It saves your time and money for a long time. If someone already has had that router for five years, that will not help you at all. So, speed up your online gaming sessions, internet surfing and boast up your WIFI signals to carry out multiple tasks, with your new router.
- Your router heats up:
Well, this is one of the sure signs that your router needs replacement. When routers are working, they get a little warm, but if they're too hot to touch comfortably, they are overheating. If your router is old it might not take the load of the heavy networking of your household. Also, poor ventilation and more electronic devices can heat your modem. So, it is better to provide your router with a reasonable temperature.
- Your internet speed is getting worse:
Most internet providers claim to offer a high WIFI range but fail to do so. You are most likely to find a cheap internet plan with less sustainability. You do not have to notice all signs to upgrade your router. This one issue is enough to switch your internet providers or upgrade your router. Poor connectivity will only worsen the situation. So, take a few internet speed tests and track the issue.
If your current internet speed or provider is not fulfilling your needs, it’s time to get a new router. Slow internet, old router, weak WIFI signals, and heated devices are clear signs that you need to upgrade your router. So, do not wait around to solve the issue. If the problem persists, change your internet provider.