
Laser tag is a fun, competitive game that is played in teams. It looks like just another combat game (which it is), but there are some tricks that you must know if you want to win. So next time you decide to go to an arcade or have laser tag for birthday party at home, here are some pointers to remember.
Don’t Stand in One Place.
Assuming you do nothing else during laser tag, make a point of moving from one point to another. In the first place, moving is much less exhausting than sitting in a corner, trusting nobody sees you. Hiding in a small place can help you become the sole survivor in an event. However, it can get lonely and become tiresome.
Second, remaining mobile makes it harder for your opponent to shoot at you. It might seem easy to avoid sight for the whole game, but what if somebody tracks you down in that corner and you have nowhere left to go? You straight away become an obvious target. Any possibility of scoring points or dominating the match automatically is out the window. One useful tip to remember to win a laser tag game is to stay mobile at all times and constantly try to take out your rivals to increase your score.
Use heights to your benefit.
If you’re having trouble scoring points on the ground level, use an elevated perspective to your advantage. It just may be exactly what you really need to score more points at your next laser tag game. Assuming your laser tag Los Angeles arena has two levels, you can get up on the higher level than your opponents and take them out easily. The higher you are, the more you see, and the more you see, the more you can shoot. The only downside to this is that your rivals can do exactly the same thing to you.
Use low altitudes during laser tag to your advantage.
Now that you know the power of heights, it is now time to learn how staying low can help win the game. Staying low can assist you with remaining alive. Specifically, while moving from one spot to another, really taking a look at the arena, or planning to shoot a rival, hunching can keep you hidden, and give your opponents a much smaller target to hit.
Remaining low can work regardless of whether you get up to the second level. Hunker down and remain concealed while you look out for your opponents. You will be more difficult to detect, and your chances of hitting your opponents will increase.
Be as small as possible.
You won't always be in all-out attack mode in laser tag. As a matter of fact, any laser tag veteran would agree that your rivals will also get a lot of opportunities to take you out, and it will be much easier if you’re a rookie. This can be avoided by figuring out how to make yourself less visible in the laser tag field.
For instance, ace the sideways creep. If it seems like a player is acting like a crab during the game, it is most probably a player attempting to move away from an opponent. Turning sideways is a certified way of saving yourself when you can't completely move away from somebody's shot. It will make it harder for the enemy to hit your sensors and force them to hit a smaller target.
Blend in properly.
Laser tag is a covert game where being in stealth mode is the key to winning operations. What hampers your chances of winning is if you dress like a Disney princess. You need to dress in dark colors to remain unspotted. The laser tag field will be dark, so your dark garments will assist you in blending right in.
You may also need to find a couple of helpful hiding spots because you might require a couple of seconds to sit down or to hide from your opponent. Don't underestimate the power of hiding, coming out of your hiding place and shocking your opponent with a surprise attack. It's both necessary to win the game and awesome at the same time. So whenever you get the opportunity to leap out of your concealing spot and bring a rival down, take it.
Familiarize with the field.
Whenever you are playing laser tag, Claremont, familiarize yourself with the arena. It shouldn’t be like you are trying to run away from your opponent and stumble into an obstacle. Or you shouldn’t be running for no reason when the situation needs you to hide.
You should know where the best vantage points are for getting as high as possible, acting like a sniper, and keeping an eye on your opponents. How to get this data? Well, before the game begins, take a couple of minutes to understand the layout of the arena. Then, utilize that information to your potential benefit during the game.
Attacking is the key.
As it is rightfully said, every chance missed is an opportunity lost. So do the opposite here. The more you shoot, the greater the chance there is of hitting your opponents. The game is all about hitting and scoring, so make the most of it. Also, continued shooting makes it harder for your opponents to have a chance to shoot back.