How much does it cost to develop an app like Flipkart
How much does it cost to develop an app like Flipkart
Know the approximate cost of Flipkart app.

So you decided to start with your own e-commerce app development company. However, you are stuck because of some questions that are on your mind. You never know how long it will take

An e-commerce app like Flipkart .. You are constantly bustling with questions like how to estimate the actual price to create an e-commerce mobile app.


Well, you have to know How much does it cost to develop an app like Flipkart? It depends on many factors. You need to understand each of these factors to calculate the actual e-commerce app development cost. These topics include must-haves in the app and include advanced technology, functionality, technology such as app platforms, app design, payment method, development team structure, resources, business model, development time and more. Hyena is the best application development company Bangalore.  Hyena Information Technologies allows companies to automate and digitize their processes by integrating powerful digital technologies that enhance operational excellence and capture increased ROI.


Here are the Hyena Services:

Mobile App Development

Machine Learning services 

Android App Development

RPA services

Big data services 

HR Management services

Workforce Management

IoT app development

IOS App Development

Cloud Migration services

Artificial Intelligence services


Hyena InformationTechnologies

