Silica Gel Adsorption Chiller
Silica gel adsorption chiller uses silica gel solid adsorbent instead of lithium bromide adsorbent. These models of chillers are called adsorption chillers. Silica gel adsorbent is more used in making adsorption absorption chillers. Water, ammonia and methanol are also used for refrigerants, among which water is more used.
Refrigerant (water) in silica gel absorption chillers is absorbed by solid silica gel after evaporation in the evaporator. Silica gel absorption chillers, like lithium bromide absorption chillers, have two condenser chambers and an evaporator. Also, two silica gel chambers (solid absorbers) are used instead of generator chambers. One of the silica gel chambers is connected to the hot water coming out of the boiler. The other silica gel chamber is connected to the cooling water of the cooling tower or cooling tower.
All silica gel absorption chamber chambers operate under full vacuum conditions.آشنایی-با-چیلر-جذبی-سیلیکاژلی-و-نحوه-عم/