
Why You need to participate in fitness activities
Participating in regular fitness activity and limiting the amount of time being sedentary can have significant health benefits—it reduces the risk of chronic conditions and other disease risk factors such as overweight and obesity, and also improves social and emotional health and well being. While there are many opportunities to be physically active every day, our social, environmental and cultural context—as well as the settings in which we live, work and play—are important determinants of physical activity participation. Exercising with home gym equipment and Sedentary Behavior Guidelines (the Guidelines) set out a series of recommendations on the amount of physical activity (both aerobic and strength-based) and sedentary activity that is consistent with optimal health.

Given the health benefits of fitness activity for disease prevention and management, it is important that exercisers of all age groups are supported and encouraged to be more active (as is appropriate for their abilities and limitations). Starting with a small change at both an individual and community level is better than making no change, and can lead to health benefits for all age groups (WHO 2011).
Strength-based activities and health
Strength-based exercise is any activity that causes the muscles to increase in work capacity, strength, size, power and endurance (National Health Service 2016). Strength activities are those that use an individual’s body weight or a form of resistance in order to strengthen muscles (National Health Service 2016).
Strength-based activities include:
• some types of yoga or Pilates
• resistance-band training
• high-intensity activities (for example, cycling, dancing, gymnastics or gardening that requires digging or lifting)
• climbing stairs or hills
• squats, push-ups, sit-ups and weight training
• active playgrounds for children (for example, monkey bars, climbing frames, skipping or hopscotch).
Participating in strength-based activities can reduce premature death by as much as 23% and cancer-related mortality by up to 31% (Stamatakis et al. 2017). Therefore, meeting the strength-based activity guideline is equally as important as completing aerobic exercises, deadlift workout activities. Strength-based physical activity may also reduce associated chronic conditions such as osteoporosis and sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass and strength) to aged person.
In some rural area, most people lack behind on physical activities due to lack of fitness equipment, while in urban area, individual exercise using fitness equipment. Most time, categorizing the two differences of Rural and Urban exercisers difficult. Most people who exercise within the rural area exercise with physical exercise equipment which is manufactured locally, while the urban area exercise using gym equipment.
Most people living in urban area lack visibility of exercise center. Opportunities for physical activity need to be created close to where people live, together with creating cleaner, safer, greener and more activity-friendly local environments. Partnership-based strategies should focus on promoting physical activity in different settings (such as neighborhoods, health care settings, workplaces, schools and transport systems, parks) and on making the active choice the easy choice.