What is Multi Cloud Strategy? | Intellipaat
What is Multi Cloud Strategy? | Intellipaat
A multi-cloud strategy is the use of two or more different cloud computing providers. Although a multi-cloud implementation can refer to any implementation of the various software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) cloud types,

It now most often refers to a combination of widely used infrastructure as a service (IaaS) conditions, such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

Vendor lock-in as well as redundancy issues are two common drivers of multi-cloud installations nowadays, along with technical and economic goals. These goals can entail employing more economical cloud services or taking use of the speed, capacity, or other features offered by a given cloud provider in a particular area.

Multi-cloud architectures are also preferred by some enterprises since they value the data sovereignty. Laws, regulations, and corporate policy all dictate where data storage must physically reside. Multi-cloud computing can help businesses satisfy these needs because customers can select from a range of availability zones or data centre geographies offered by IaaS providers. Due to the freedom as to where cloud data resides, businesses can position processing resources as near to end users as is practical to obtain the highest performance and minimal latency.