Name Manmohan Singh
Gender Male
Location Rishikesh
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Rishikul Yogshala is one of the best yoga schools in India, which was founded in the year 2010. Over these years, Rishikul Yogshala has served thousands of aspirants, establishing its name in the industry. It is the result of the hard work of dedicated and passionate yogis who found the school with the intent of spreading the awareness of wellness, joy, and happy life.

joined at 5 years ago

    Which Food to Have Before and After Yoga Practice?

    Yoga is a boon to our world and has been of great significance in many live...

    • Rishikulyogshala

    Which are the Best Yogas for Diabetes?

    Beneficial Yoga Poses for Diabetic Patients. Read the article for further i...

    • Rishikulyogshala

    7 Yoga Poses to Avoid If You Have High Blood Pressure

    Read the article to learn more about the Yoga poses that a High-Blood press...

    • Rishikulyogshala