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joined at 3 years ago

    What is mobile access control and how does it work

    RFID cards are beginning to be replaced by mobile access credentials, learn...

    • Musafr

    CCTV Camera in BD: CCTV Camera security solutions for t...

    Through their technology, these CCTV Cameras will collect the following dat...

    • Musafr

    Integrations of Suprema and Bio Star 2 teams with other...

    Suprema offers you a world of integration options so that your access contr...

    • Musafr

    Access control system Top trends in secure identificati...

    Each year, HID Global publishes its projections on the main technology tren...

    • Musafr

    Convergence of computer security and physical access co...

    Access Control System Organizations are increasingly adopting a model in wh...

    • Musafr

    Open the door to global standards in access control

    Today, offering a truly integrated, long-lasting security solution requires...

    • Musafr

    7 Access Control system Trends

    When we think of access control, in a building from decades ago, we imagine...

    • Musafr

    Access Control with Mobile Phones: The Future with Near...

    Near Field Communications (NFC) is a technology that will accelerate the us...

    • Musafr

    Power requirements and options for access control syste...

    Power supply systems are a determining factor in the proper functioning of...

    • Musafr

    Seven Trends in Mobile Access Control system

    Although at a slower pace compared to countries such as the US and China, N...

    • Musafr